Life Coaches in Cahoots

25: One Year Anniversary - Oola Palooza and Year in Review

Melinda Oldt Stephanie Eilitz and Oola Life Coaches Season 1 Episode 25

Casual talk with all of the 2023 guests.  This episode highlights Oola Palooza and the transformational impact it has on the guys, the attendees and the coaches.  It has been an honor to welcome all of the guest back for a year in review moment.

Stephanie and Melinda go on a journey back to January and through the year and chat about the many guests, Oola experiences and goal planning and successes that occurred in 2023 on this episode of Life Coaches in Cahoots. 

Tune in for a special announcement to follow on moving forward in 2024.

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Let's talk Oola. Ella Palooza and 2023 in review. Let's talk about why. You might do a year and review. Unlike accounting. Your Oola your interview as a whole lot more fun. So. One of the reasons you would do this is to learn more about your strengths and weaknesses. Find ways to improve your performance in life. Maintain the balance among the different aspects of life. Set better goals for the year to come. And of course, to track and celebrate your accomplishments. There is no better example of a year end review that Oola Palooza. So let's talk Lula Palooza. We are going to do. Our final episode for 2023 of life coaches in cahoots and go back and visit with all of the wonderful coaches. We have had on the show this year. So let's get started.

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During this. Interview episode, you are going to hear different sounds coming from the background. We've had the unique opportunity to join some of our coaches in Lula Palooza this year. And so you'll hear the actual background. Going on. And all the excitement that you hear during Ella Palooza in some of our episodes. Whereas some of the other episodes will be nice and quiet because they were performed through zoom. Or they were. Done over. If you can believe this messenger. That we have had the opportunity. To catch up with each and every one of our coaches. So enjoy.

I'm coach Melinda, and here with me today is coach Stephanie, and I have a few questions for her. Stephanie, What is one word you would use to describe Oompalooza? I saw that question, and I Always say life changing, which I don't know if that's one word. Yeah. You were hyping it. I know they always say fifty percent educational, all fifty percent entertaining, hundred percent life changing, and I agree with all those words. You were Adderlapalooza, did you come up with a new word for yourself for twenty twenty four? I actually did. I thought about it The entire time I was there, and I think I'm going with humility for twenty twenty four. Alrighty. It's not about me. It's about everybody else right now. love it. take a look back at the goals you set for this year for twenty twenty Bree. And tell us how well did you do. So I looked at my app, and out of the twenty one goals I set I set for twenty twenty three, I accomplished Eleven before Oolapooza. I did have a goal on there to get my best friend to Oolapooza. I've had that goal Every year. And she did attend with me. So that's twelve out of twenty one. And then I am on track, I believe, to complete Three or four more before December thirty first. Twenty twenty four is gonna be amazing here's hoping. what was your favorite part about Ulapalooza? So Oolapalooza for me, it's the energy that's in the room. I have a hard time describing it to other people, But I'm one of those that believes in the universal energy and that always you're on your path kinda connected to the divine, and so you can feel it and you feel when you're being guided. So for me, it's super exciting to feel the energy of so many people in such a large room to watch and know that they're there for support and for change, and the energy is just amazing. I definitely agree with that. I also Speaking of my word of the year for next year, I was very humbled this year more so than ever by the people that went up at the end and Talked about their OOLO one, and it was very inspiring to see a lot of men Up there this year. So, anyway, I agree with your the energy, in the room. And Name one change you have made that improved your life. So in twenty twenty three, I actually felt a shift. I changed my schedule around, and I really focus more on serving. And Through that, I think and just giving more for other people's sake and not so not for myself, I actually felt a shift. I found that place that put me into a heartfelt peace. So not an unhappiness, not a happiness, but very peaceful. And I literally felt like I shifted onto the right path in twenty twenty three. So, yeah, I've had a great year too, and I have hit So many of my goals, and some of them I had to tweak and, uh, you know, go in a different direction. And, it turned out to be the right direction, which is funny because Last year, my word was love, and, it turned out it it was self love that I needed, not, like, to work on love of other people. But, obviously, love and kindness is something we all strive for. But yeah. So I did some work on myself, and I feel like I'm in a much Better place every year, Ula, changes you if you follow the system. And, um, definitely, it gets better every every year. Well, that's great to hear, and it was great catching up with you and doing this year in review podcast. Awesome. I have been chatting with doctor Dave I know that his heart and his passion right now is to travel and get Out into as many states and reach as many people as he can.

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Right. And so we know that in 2024, They're going to also launch the Oola mind and body certification and the reasons behind that would be that it would be more integrated holistic approach. Emerging wellness trends, better client results, integration into products. And programs and the ambassador opportunities too, to really grow the community. And obviously the coaches and have more mentor coaches so that everybody can get reached. so that's exciting. I think there's going to be a lot of opportunity. Comes along with that. And anybody who's looking to actually be a coach or to reactivate the coaching should. On that right away, because he thinks that. Begins in March this year of 20, 24, super excited to spend more time with the. Bula guys myself

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And now a word from our coaches.

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My name is Erica Rasmussen, and on episode five, I got to talk Bula Fitness. In this past year, it's been an incredible transformation of my own fitness journey. About a year ago, at last Oompalooza, I had set out to finish my very first half marathon. And this past year in twenty twenty three, I didn't complete one or two, but I completed three and an even longer race plus my very first marathon. And it just goes to show what happens when we get intentional, focused, disciplined, and Really, really thoughtful about the journey we wanna put ourselves on. mix in a little consistency, and those dreams can come true. This year, I never would have imagined myself wanting to do another marathon, but I have at least one on the calendar next year, and I'm planning more. And, really, what I've really loved about this journey is all that it's teaching me along the way. it's not always easy, but it's always worth it. And so, yeah, that's my story in a nutshell. And I'm really excited for a Very fun twenty twenty four running for my goals.

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And next step we have Nicole Morrison. When do you really start getting excited for Uber Palooza and what drives that excitement for you, Nicole?

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Oh, man. I can't I get excited for Lollapalooza, Like, the day Lollapalooza is over. Well, actually, maybe maybe I need two days because it's pretty exhausting emotionally, truly. And so I do need a couple days recovery, and then it's like, woo hoo. Let's go. And because they do half off Tickets, you know, for a limited time, you gotta get pretty excited about that as well. Uh, it is absolutely something I look forward to almost every day of the year. And yeah. And then I think I start doing countdowns about the first week of November or something like that, count down the days, but I'm looking forward to it always.

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And next, can you name one thing? You are most proud of this year.

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Oh, man. That's a tough one. The one thing that I am most proud of this year oh, Oh, man. I could list any one of my kids. I could list all this stuff. But I think the one thing that I am so proud of is that in the midst of exhaustion, in the midst of, um, you know, we had a really difficult delivery and birth of our daughter. And through all of that, I remained strong. Um, I took care of myself better this year. Um, that was all part of that too. And so I created a mission at the beginning of the year, stronger body, stronger mind, stronger family. And I think that, Um, sticking to that mission and not deviating when things got tough and when I could easily have gave up is probably, Um, definitely one of the things I'm most proud of this year.

Hello. I am here now with Sherry Poyant. And if you remember way back at the beginning of the year, Sherry was our episode seven when we discussed the Oola field, f of Oola. Hi, Sherry. Hi. How are you? I'm great. Thanks so much for joining me. Yeah. Happy to be here. My first question is, have you ever been to an Oolacalooza? And if so, what's your favorite memory? Oh, boy. I have been to one, and it was last year, and I had an amazing time. There was so many things that I enjoyed, But I think for the most part, it was being with friends, uh, friends that I've made through Oola, and it was just so wonderful to Spent some time. It was something I really needed in my life at that time. Came at the perfect time for me, and it just renewed me when I came back home after the event. That is what I keep hearing from everybody about just how much the energy and experience changes them. Mhmm. So what do you love most now about this new path that you're on? Well, I I had some soul searching and reflection and prayer over the last, uh, year or so. And I love working with people. Well, I love teaching. I've been working in teaching and coaching adults, um, for a few years now, but I've turned back to my passion of education. I'm a certified early childhood and elementary teacher, and I'm over twenty years of teaching experience. And I felt that it was time I was being pulled back into that purpose of being able to help children who are, early childhood. And that's where I've spent most of my time working, helping them, getting ready for kindergarten and beyond. And I was trying to find a way of being able to do that without going back into the classroom. And I am creating courses and workshops for parents so that I can help empower parents to be a part of their children's education and helping them in their busy schedules ten to fifteen minutes today. So I'm teaching parents how to teach their children, which is just I just finished my course actually this morning, and it's just been really exciting and fun. That sounds fantastic, and I know that it's really needed out there. Yeah. Thank you. I'm really excited. Thank you so much. Good morning, Carrie. We are here at Oolapalooza. Second day, second morning. How many Oolapaloozas have you made it to so far? So this and good morning, by the way. This is my fourth official Oolapalooza. That's awesome. Why do you keep coming back to Oolapalooza? Well, I had the first time I had met the guys, we did, like, a mini It comes to the real Oolapalooza, um, with with the entire community. But then I became a mentor coach, and it totally changed everything for me because it gave Gave me an opportunity to now help people through a process that transformed my life. So what charges me up and gets me excited about coming is just seeing the Transformation happening in the room and the energy of people collectively evaluating themselves and their life and where they wanna go. And when I can help somebody with that, That's, like, that's icing on the cake. That's a blessing. I do feel like the energy, the most surreal. Like, it's so hard to explain that Type of energy. It is. Yeah. It is very hard to explain. Yeah. So you have had a great year. Watching you on social media has been so much fun. I just loved it. What surprised you most in your life this past year? I think that we actually did it. We've been setting goals for so long, and we had really big goals this year to become debt free, to retire, To start new careers in in a totally different state, to live in a camper, to do all these different things. And, honestly, my husband and I didn't even know how Oh, we would do spending as much time together as we were gonna be spending now working the same job living in a camper. So I think just the fact that we just strengthened our relationship, fell deeper in love, managed to pay off all of our debt, Managed to become tour bus drivers and, uh, deckhand naturalists, like, very unexpected. So I just think we took a big leap, And just the fact that we did it surprised us. I think that's wonderful. That's great. I just wanna say thank you for contributing this year. It was a real honor. Oh my goodness. Thank you. I'm so proud of you guys and everything you've done. It's awesome.

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Yeah next. next. up, we have Deanna Salus Freeman. She was our episode. Number 10, she had the honor and privilege of being on the fun episode. Deanna. What is your favorite thing about Lula Palooza?

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Personally, my favorite thing about Oolapalooza is mentoring. Um, I get to serve and help the community, especially those who are newer To Oolah, maybe at Oolapalooza for the first time, and it is so fulfilling to have been a part of Oolah since two thousand and fifteen and being able to pour back and serve the people who attend. Um, it's just very touching, and That is probably my favorite part of hula palooza now.

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The second question we have for you. Deanna, is, did you use your time wisely this year? And was there any room for improvement?

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did you use your time wisely this year? And I will say that I have purposefully and intentionally entered into a season. And if you've been around saying that sometimes you go into a season intentionally to maybe prove one area drastically, but then it kind of puts a little bit of stress and pressure on some of the other areas. And so with that, um, I took on a project this year, so it's been a little bit hectic and a little bit stressful, and I'm actually feeling a little bit stretched, um, but I did this intentionally. I spoke with my husband and family, everyone is on board, and so that is one thing that's helped with this transitional time. So that is using your time wisely. I might say yes in a sense that it's intentional, but also that I am feeling the strain of this at this point and I know this season's gonna last about two years, and so I have specifically chosen that but I'm also finding areas in ways in which I can create those little pieces of time that I can take for myself and get the balance and the me time in so that I'm not so overextended and draining all of my energy. So that's the first part of the question. And the second part of the question is, was there any room for improvement? And, of course, there is always room for improvement. And so like I said at the end, when I went into this, expenditure of energy emotionally and physically just draining has been a little bit more than I had anticipated. And so being able to recognize that, being aware, self aware, and accepting, you know, my limitations and my need to take care of myself. Yes. There's room for improvement. In the fall challenge, I made a specific goal to go in to the fall and create my morning and evening routine. And that way, I knew that I would have carved out the time, I had gotten away from some of the stuff that I was doing in the morning with my morning meditation, so I'm back to that. And I've created an evening routine for winding down where I do a creative meditative flow. And so those two things have helped improve, and I'm gonna carry those into the new year as just part of my daily routine of self care so there's always room for improvement. I am working on my goals now. We've set up in Oolapalooza for the mentor coaches with Dave because sometimes we don't get to our stuff because we're working kind of the the the, um, the event so, um, yeah, so I'm working on that right now, and that is going to probably be fleshed out within the next two weeks. So always room for improvement, but, yes, I think I did pretty Well, with time management in the things that I wanted to do and the goals that I wanted to accomplish.

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Awesome. Thank you so much.

I am here now with coach Janelle Meyer, and coach Janelle was our episode eleven when we discussed the Oolaccelerator of gratitude. Hi, Janelle. Hey. How's it going? Great. I'm so excited that you were able to take time to answer a couple questions. We are all excited about Lollapalooza coming up in a couple of days. So where is the best seat in the house, in your opinion, for Lollapalooza? I have to say that the third floor balcony is where it's at. It is super cool up there. It's just cool to kinda see Everybody down below, you can see the stage very well. And then what I love about it is that you can just stand whenever you want, and you're not blocking anybody. You can go refill The water, it's a great view up there. It's it's really fun. I have a balcony ticket for the first time. Come up to the third floor. Yeah. It's Awesome. Okay. Yeah. And then my next question is, tell us about the quality time you've been spending with your family since we last chatted. Yeah. So, I guess now we're just kinda getting ready for the holiday seasons coming up. So we hosted Thanksgiving this year, which was kinda new, and, it was fun to just come up with some creative, Like, a centerpiece we did with my daughter who's eight, so just super cool. We had everybody write what they were grateful for on a little, Um, just a little Thanksgiving tree that we had, so that was fun. And then just kinda getting ready for Christmas, decorating the Christmas tree, and, going to different Christmas markets and events like that. And, of course, visiting Santa, we'll have to get that on our list, and then a lot of games. We play Five Crowns, which is like a card game, and then another game that we just Purchased was Clue. Do you remember playing Clue back in the day? I love it. It's fun to play with my daughter now. So, yeah, that's what we've been doing. That sounds great. those are the moments that she'll remember for sure. Yeah. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to Catch up with us in our urine review episode. We'll see you soon. Good morning, everybody. We are here at Uwapalooza with Julie she was our episode twelve. And we're gonna ask her a few questions today. The first of which is, how do you think Lollapalooza impacts people when they come for the first time? Well, as a mentor coach, I have the privilege to work with first timers one on one, and It moves me to watch the things that happen in their life. those of us that are blessed to just be fully immersed in the Oola world, like, I think there's a lot of things we begin to take for granted because it just becomes almost second nature for us. But watching people have these incredible moments that no one's ever made them Think about those things. tears happen. Laughter happens. Sometimes both at the same time. but you see break happen. You see you see what becomes a catalyst for someone's life to change, and I am so privileged to get to be a part of that and Just that each year. That's awesome. We are blessed to have you as a mentor coach for sure. What are you most Excited about for the upcoming year twenty twenty four. Well, there's lots of things to be Excited about in twenty twenty four. I always love looking forward. Um, in in looking forward, often, We have to look back a little bit too and look at what we've experienced already. It's brought us to where we are. And Twenty twenty two was a really, really difficult year for my family, and a lot of Healing began during twenty twenty three. Uh, we lost a grandson. My daughter lost a son, and That has it brought up a lot of raw, difficult emotions. Um, but my daughter is expecting in March A little girl, and her name is going to be Jovi l, which means joyful. And we are so grateful for this blessing that's Coming after the loss of her child, um, because we know it's just a gift from God. So that is probably what I'm actually looking Forward to the very most is holding that new grandbaby. Yeah. That's very exciting. And thank you to you and your families for spending so time with the community. I appreciate you. Good morning. We're here at Oolapalooza twenty twenty three with master coach, Chris. She was on thirteen, and we have two questions for her today. Chris, do you put a new sticker on the Oolibus every year? Absolutely. At least one. How many do you have on the bus so far? Right now, I have six stickers on the bus, four of which I've completed. So I have two working stickers on the bus right now. That's awesome. Do you wanna show with us what sticker you might put on this year? my Oola one will go on the bus this year, and this year is going to be dedicated twenty twenty four is going to be dedicated to field. as I'm I just launched a new business in October. And so twenty twenty four is going to be about growing that business in a financially responsible way, which is different than I've ever done before. So it's not it's not like it's just same old same old. This is truly a new working way, and so the goal's a big deal. That is a big deal. Who provided you the most support throughout twenty twenty three? You know, there were a ton of people who supported me through some major, major changes this year. you know, when when you have crisis, when you have trauma, things happening in your life, you don't even realize who's there to support you sometimes until after the fact. And so in the midst of the crisis, I would have said different people than I would say today reflecting back. But reflecting back, I'm telling you unconditional support was for my husband. Can't possibly tell people how much I appreciate, love, and adore that man. That's awesome. I can't tell you how much everybody appreciates and loves and adores you and all the support you give us. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you for a great year. We really appreciate it. Thank you. Hi. I am here with coach Rick Schwartz now. And as a reminder, coach Rick was our Oola Accelerator Passion episode fourteen earlier this year. Hi, Rick. Hi. How are you? I'm great. Thanks for joining me today. Oh, thanks for having me. So my first question for you is Looking back at your first Lollapalooza, what stands out the most to you now? Oh, it it stands out to me. It was so powerful in the moment. And every time I go Chulaapalooza, it's it's just such a wonderful reminder. It's the community of hula. And the the biggest impact from my first time at hula was, Although we are all there, individual backgrounds, individual experiences, we are distinct individuals, But everyone at the same time collectively working on the same steps of their goals and working through all that process, There was something about it that was very moving and very powerful to witness it, but to also be a part of it and Experience it? So, yeah, that is the community, but then it's the also active collective group working to improve themselves moving forward. Yes. Definitely. Um, my second question, what have you done this year to improve your mental health? Oh goodness. That is an ongoing project. You know? It's one of those things I think when we start really realizing going down the path of improving our mental health, we're like, okay. I'm gonna do these things, and And it'll be better. But the reality is it's an ongoing process, I believe, So for me, my ongoing work, for my mental health is making sure I'm taking care of me and not just in a a superficial, oh, I'm gonna do something special for me today, but but have I seriously really Checked in with myself and where I am and how does how does what I'm experiencing make me feel, and then where can I move myself, whether physically or mentally or emotionally, from there To make sure I'm being authentic to myself so I can show up more authentically for everyone else? And for me, that's been a big mental health shift in the sense of Really checking in with myself. Yes. I truly believe that you are helping My mental health, I have recently started listening to your podcast, We All Have Something, while I walk my dogs. And Wonderful. Absolutely love it. Thanks so much for taking the time to check-in with us in our year end review. Um, and, yeah, I'll see you soon. Perfect. Well, thank you so much. Have a good one.

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And now a quick message with Curtis Hamon. I finally caught up with Curtis. And his question was. Curtis, have you been onstage at Oola Palooza? And if not, would you like to be.

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So, yes, I have been on stage. Uh, it was a ninety day challenge, and I was one of the top seven contestants. So I got to get on stage, didn't get to speak because, Only the winner got to speak, but I was on stage. And, yes, I would like to be on and actually be a keynote at some point. Second question is, have you reconnected with anyone this year? Have I reconnected? I have reconnected with people from Lollapalooza and, of course, some old positive friends.

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Thanks so much for catching up with us, Curtis,

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And back to Stephanie in studio with Michelle Cogan.

I am here now with coach Michelle Kalkin. And if you remember, Michelle's episode was episode sixteen on the Oula Accelerator of Humility. Hi, Michelle. Hey. Good to see you. Good to see you too. Um, I have a question a couple questions to catch up with you. Um, the first one's about Lollapalooza. So have you ever brought anybody new with you to Lollapalooza? This is the perfect year to ask that. I have not, but this year, I will be bringing someone with me to join me, and I am over the moon excited. That's great. I think that it's really important that we keep asking other people to, um, attend these events because the message needs to be heard by everybody. Yeah. And so, my second question is, what is the most heartwarming thing you have been told this year? So I gave this question, some really in-depth thoughts and I kind of wanna, um, blanket together cumulatively And that, this year was my year four through the OOLA principles, uh, and really working on myself and, like, learning about My word being humility. just going deeper than I ever had before. And I've noticed that my relationships with people and the compliments I've received and the feedback I received are all kind of generalized into, being grateful that they have met me, being grateful that I'm a shining light in their sky or or whatever. And one most important thing was that I reconnected with, Um, we we kinda had a little absence of not talking for a while, with my first child, and we really Got through some things that were seem to be a block, and I attribute that to the work I did on myself. So it's not just One thing that someone said, it's collectively what I have found the result to be by really diving in and owning my stuff And being open and allowing someone else to be vulnerable to share their stuff also. Oh, that's fantastic. I too think you are a shining light, and you every time you're on a call, I just love seeing your smile. Thank you. Well, thanks so much for catching up with us and for taking the time today. Yes. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Hi. I am here today with Joel Hasenrider. And our interview with Joel was episode Seventeen when we discussed the Oolaccelerator wisdom. Hi, Joel. Thanks for joining me. Thanks for having me, Stephanie. It's a pleasure as always. So I am gonna ask you just two questions. and the first one is how important Is attending Oolapalooza for you each year? Uh, it's a pretty high priority. So the the first year that I attended Oolapalooza was one of the most impactful experiences of my life, bar none. And so it's it's always been something that I wanted to go back and do this. This particular that we just came out of was the first time I was a mentor coach, so I got to see it from a different perspective. But all of the same nostalgic, uh, emotions and, you know, things that we did the first time that I walked through that all came back. And I honestly just can't emphasize enough how important it is for for people to walk through an experience like this for themselves. It's unlike anything that I'm familiar with or aware of. So it's very unique from that standpoint. But what I find is that if you don't prioritize something like this in your life, it gets pushed back. And even as fellow coaches that are walking people through this, So many times, we're so caught up in what we're doing with other people that we neglect the importance of this for ourself. And so just having two days to set aside, Take your coach hat off. Take your dad or mom hat off. Take your friend hat off, and just focus on the things that you need to focus on to become the person you need to be for those that you care for and love, I think, is one of the best things you can do. I definitely agree with that. My second question, um, what are you going to spend less time doing in twenty twenty four? Yeah. This is a good question. I had to think about this one a little bit, and I kinda went back and forth. But one of the things that I walked out of Oolapalooza, a little bit of of my own blocker and just being transparent here, is there's so many things that I have my hands into both as a coach and an entrepreneur and an existing business owner and all of these things, and still trying to make prioritized time for my family and, uh, our daughter that's still here at the house and that kind of a thing. And, uh, one of the the voices that I have listened too much to in twenty twenty three is the voice that says you can't get it all done. And so what I will be Doing less of is listening to that voice and listening to the one that says just do the next thing and do it well. That was great. That is great advice as always. Thanks for spending time with me today and answering those questions. Absolutely. We are at the twenty twenty three, and I'm here with coach Dar Pendergrass. And I'm super excited. She was our episode eighteen. How excited are you to be at Ullapalooza twenty twenty three? And tell us why, Dar. I am super excited, and this is only my third Ullapalooza event. Um, and I think they just get better and better. So, you know, I know the flow of the event now, and so I'm really able to dig deeper, I think, and, just get To see familiar faces and to greet new faces is always awesome. That is awesome. What new lessons have you learned about yourself year. So for me, I focused a lot on my fitness goals this year, which I talked about a little bit during our session. Um, and I I learned that I have to find what I really enjoy doing. Like, you can't force certain health goals. You have to find what works for you. A tie on my list for twenty twenty four. I'm assuming it's tie on yours. Yes. Absolutely. You have a great twenty twenty three. Twenty twenty three was better, and I just know each year is gonna Continue to grow that. So I'm excited for twenty twenty four. Thanks so much. You're very welcome. Thank you. Hi. I am here today with Debbie Longoria, and she was our episode nineteen when we discussed the OODA blocker of KILT. Hi, Debbie. Hi, Stephanie. How are you today? I'm great. I wanted to ask you a couple of questions to catch up with you for our year in review. Um, tell us about the significance of getting up on stage at Oolapalooza and declaring your OOLA one in front of everyone. Well, I will tell you that was probably something that I never thought I'd ever do because I did not know when I went to a palooza that that was part of the process, that you had the option to do that. And my first loolapalooza was two thousand and eighteen, and I worked really hard to get there. I had garage sale. They did everything to make sure I could financially get there. And, um, like Stephanie said, I had this great breakthrough with a OulaBlocker of Guilt. And I'm sitting there and they're saying, okay. Do you know what your Oula one is for the year? Look at your board. And of those seven things, if the thing that you know you need to do the most is not on that board, that's what your OOLO one was. And for me, it was integrity. And I knew it was integrity. And they wanted you if you chose to, nobody's forced to do this. So if you if you choose to, To go up on stage and say this is my Oolah one and why and why. And so I sat there and finally, one of my friends at the table said, you didn't come this far to not go all the way. So I went up, I stood up there, And I said the one thing that the guys had said if that you look at the board and what's not there. What are you afraid to put on there that you know needs to be there, and I said for me, it's integrity. And I wrote my for my goal was integrity. And I put it under under family because there was a lot of connection with the family and a lot of things I need to be honest. We are all great uh, completing what we need to do for others. Where I needed integrity to follow through on was with me. I become the biggest liar in my life, and it was cleverly disguised by helping others. So I needed to have integrity with myself. Say yes when I mean yes. Say no and I mean no and follow through on the things that are gonna help me move toward the life that I know I am destined to live. It was hard. So I would Say that is the most important thing. If you choose at Oolapalooza to go on stage and complete the mission that you had started when you got there, it. It is very freeing, and it makes it very real, and it makes it doable in your mind, in your heart, and your soul. So our second question is, how important is it to keep those family bonds strong and give us an update on how your family is doing? Well, for me, family is super, super strong. Um, we've gone through a lot my son and I have a very, very close relationship, which he was in a serious motorcycle accident, and it was confirmed that, yes, we are each other's person. We go to each other for support. There's no end to what you're doing or what you would or would not do for your child. The thing that I needed to do for my son Was to step in as a grandma. I needed to make sure his sons were were grounded because their dad's in the hospital, It was scary. It was scary for a mom, but it was also a different way to experience it as a mom Anna I mean, as a grandma as opposed to a mom because his wife was there. So The closeness that we had made it Easier to step into what was needed to be done. So, you know, whatever it is to step into that that that position of a still a parent, but now on a different level as a grandparent. To be supportive as a mom, but then to step in as the adult that the kids can count on. You wanna be there and do the best for your child. I did that when I looked back. we are so happy that he is on the road to recovery. Well, thanks for checking in with us, we're gonna move on to our next podcast guest. Hi. I am here now with coach Robbie Critchley. And Ravi was recently our episode twenty one when we discussed the Oola blocker of self sabotage. Hi, Ravi. Hi there. How are you, Stephanie? I'm good. Thanks for joining me today. So my first question is how hard is it Going to be for you to miss Schoolapalooza this year. Extremely hard because, Like your post that you posted yesterday on Facebook, the community is so big and so much a part of what makes Oola so great That not being able to, you know, get my yearly hugs and get my conversations in with everybody, It it really is, um, a big missing it's like a hole in my the end of my year because, You know, this is the would have been my third year going, and it it really is huge because it really does rejuvenate you for the year to come. So aside from the decision you made to have to miss Opelousa, was there another difficult decision you had to make Seer? so, you know, I think one of the hardest one other ones would have been and it's not hard in that It was in a detrimental type of hard, you know, way. But to start a business, a CPR training business to teach CPR. Um, that one that was kind of a big one for me because it is totally out of my My realm of education for hygiene. I mean, yes, I have to, uh, renew it every two years, but it's a completely different form of teaching and helping others. So that was a that was a big decision to have to make and, you know, a hard one because I'm gonna be virtually out Totally on my own to build a business within the community. So field and finance were difficult decisions this year for you. Yes. Very much so. I feel like a lot of people can relate to that. Yeah. And, you know, the economy is, you know, crazy. And so for our household, it really does play a big factor, Um, because of my husband's in the construction industry. And so, you know, it's been a wild ride The last year in that so, yes, financing, uh, field, definitely big ones for me this year. Well, thanks so much for being on our year in review episode. Well, thank you for having me again as on the podcast and then as also in the review. It was it's Always fun to chat with you guys. Welcome, Colette. It's nice to see you again. How is Ulapalooza twenty twenty three been for the first day for you? It's been amazing. I love it. I was able to bring a new person this year, so It's been so fun to watch all those first moments with her. so we are gonna ask you a couple of questions. Tell us, what is your favorite part of the work we do at Lollapalooza on ourselves? That's a hard one to answer because there's so many wonderful parts in it. But I think just in the very beginning, the reflection of the past year, Even though it's only a song or two, it's it's a very powerful moment, and it's a powerful moment to just reflect on all the good, All the bad and all the things to be hopeful for for the next year. So I think it's my favorite is the urine review. Did you have a good year end review? I did, and I enjoyed it because a lot of the things that, uh, happened were We're not on the plan. They were things that I just said yes to and just did, and it made the year so much better. Yeah. It's amazing how Ula just rolls and flows into more. Right. Builds a better and better life. Right. Describe a moment of awakening you had this year How are us? Um, I would say that probably some of the stats are probably Some of the moments that you really have to pause and realize how different we live than others because Not many people are gonna share how many times your phone goes off, how many times you check your phone, and how many times you do this. And just having Self awareness as a community, as as a group. I think it's super powerful to just live differently than everybody else. Right. Those statistics really stand out and stick with you when you're leaving the blues there. For sure. Wonderful. Yes. Well, this is great. I love that you bought somebody new? And thank you so much for giving us your time this year. We really appreciated it. Thank you. Thank you for having me. I enjoyed this very much. hi. I am here now with coach Heather Hill, hi, Heather. Hi. How are you? I am great. so my first question for you is talk to us about the significance of your role at was in two thousand nineteen. I just went as you know, just to go. First time, I I used my coaches ticket that you give when you become a coach. And, um, it was really overwhelming, like, super overwhelming. And so when I had the opportunity to become a mentor coach And I did that. Going to Oolapooza as a mentor coach is it puts a whole different spin on it because, you know, they tell us all the time that, um, those two days are all about you and focus on you and what your goals are even if you're there with a married, you know, your spouse or partner, um, to really just focus on your own goals. And going as a so when mentor coaches go, we don't do the lulapalooza Those two days. We have to find, time to do it on our own afterwards. And, So you're there with a different perspective. Right? Because you're there as a mentor coach to make sure that everybody else understands that it's all about them. And, you know, I'm kind of a behind the scenes person. You'll never ever see me on stage unless there's a curtain in front of me. Like, I'll I'll be off to the wings. But, you know, it's it's interesting to go to Oolapooza and have it not be about you, I guess, is what I'm trying to say. And, when you think about that room of people, everybody is so different. But this is like the Oulu community. Right? You, On the surface, we're different. But down underneath, we are all there because we wanna grow personally, professionally. We wanna improve Ourselves wanna make a difference. it's rewarding to go to Oolapalooza. It's an honor as well as rewarding to be there as a mentor coach and to be able to watch everybody. in that room, when all those people are together Wanting to improve themselves and grow. It's it's really exciting for me. Right. And your role is so important because I know I sat of the table with a first timer last year, and it can be overwhelming. And Dave and Troy, obviously, they're on stage, and the event is so much bigger now than it used to be. They can't get around everyone, so it's so nice and helpful Right. To have experienced mentor coaches walk around and answer questions for me. you can tell when they're struggling to answer a question or if they're getting emotional. And So and there's that, uh, interesting balance of you don't want to go over and really push them to say anything, but you want to know that You want them to know that you're there to help them, so you just have to kind of be aware of that as well. So my next question is, tell us about a memorable experience with your friends this year. So this is kinda interesting because I set you know, we had those years of Only being able to connect on Zoom and or if at all. And so last year or this year for twenty twenty three, I set a goal of Connecting with friends. It's like authentic connection. And that what I did was I posted and said, I wanna send birthday cards. So Message me with your birth date without the year and, your address So that I can send a birthday card. And I thought I'd get a few responses. And I had over a hundred people that and that was in addition to people I already knew I was going to send them to. So, it really became at first I thought, well, this is a lot. You know, but then as I did like, I have enjoyed it so much. Just a simple little note in a card, and then I usually would put in, like, a bookmark or I would, On the bottom of the card, I'd write out a scripture. Like, not write out the scripture, just the actual verse. And then they had to look it up because they wanted to know why I was sending that to them. So it, ended up being I was I thought I was doing it for everybody else, but it ended up being really rewarding for me as well because Every single person that I sent a card to responded in some way. They either messaged and said, oh my gosh. I got your card. Thank you. I got a thank you card from someone because Which I thought, well, that's really graceful. Like, I that's like the height of etiquette to me. But, um, You know, it just really was I know it meant a lot to the people I sent the cards to, and it certainly meant More to me than I thought it was going to be. I I just started it as a task and a goal of connecting, and it was really, you know, you love it when a goal that you set First, that you accomplish it. But then when it makes such a big difference, right, it's it's extra rewarding. So so that without a doubt is just, you know, I think my favorite friend's memory from twenty twenty three. Well, this has been great. I'm so happy that you had time to get on here with me for a couple of minutes Thank you so much. This has been a lot of fun, and I appreciate you including

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This is fun. We just pretty much wrapped up, your episode 24. And so this is great that we get to just do a little recap here with you and around all of our episodes for the first year of life coaches in cahoots. So my first question for you is describe something that lights you up about Oola Palooza.

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Hi, Melinda. so I'm so bummed that I am not going to Yulapahooza this year. I think for me the thing that really stood out for my experience at oolapalooza that really lights me up is two things. One is the community, the connections and just the authenticity that everybody has. and just seeing people connect that was really really huge for me. the second part is the time actually being spent on me as a, as my Enneagram nine and taking care of everybody else Being the peacemaker, it has been quite a learning journey in the last few years to figure out How to take care of myself better. How to set aside the time that I want and I need to actually benefit me in a better way. And I really feel like Oolapalooza did that really well for me last year where it was a time to connect but it was also a very intentional time to dive a little deeper, to be more authentic with myself and understand myself better in my needs and my wants. So that is something on both levels that really lights me up about Oolapalooza.

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great answer And finally, what is one thing you regret not doing this year? Why haven't you done it yet?

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So what is one thing I regret not doing this year? I would say some of the more intentional times with both my husband and my girls. as an enneagram nine I tend to overthink things and put other people first and sometimes I just don't plan as well as I could, just by default as well. So for me, there's a lot of opportunities that I feel like were missed in this last year of spending some really fun and quality I'm with one another because of, that push for myself to either be a little bit more intentional or just do something that I want to do and invite people to come along

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this has been fantastic. Getting to chat with all of our coaches from this past year. The holidays are upon us, which gives us time to pause and reflect on what really matters most in our lives.

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We all know we are part of something special. We play a big role in the Oola community, as well as our individual communities. And together we are making a difference. This podcast would not have happened this year without the help of all our coaches. We are so honored and so grateful for everybody that has participated. We are looking forward to what 2024 has to bring, stay tuned for a bonus episode that will air in early January on our moving forward with life coaches and. And what's to come in the new year. Happy new years, stress less, feel better and enjoy life a little more.

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