Life Coaches in Cahoots

23: Coach Heather Hill - Oola Blocker Focus

Melinda Oldt Season 1 Episode 23

Heather Hill is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Revelation Wellness Instructor, and Balanced Wellness Coach. She has a passion for sharing God’s word with others to see them grow their relationship with Jesus so they can walk in their purpose according to His plan for them. Her mission as a coach is to help women move through trauma into a life of health and healing.

She is a child of God, wife, mother of 3, and Nana of 5. Originally from Canada, she moved to Michigan in 1982, and became a US citizen in 1996. While her older son, Chris, and daughter, Michelle, live in Michigan with their children, she currently lives in Tennessee with her husband Rick, and her youngest son, Nick.

Heather merges her passion for sharing her faith, with her self-compassion/trauma awareness training, and nutrition education, for a holistic approach to overcoming trauma.

You can find Heather on FB & IG @wholewellnessfreedom and on her website

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Hello and welcome everyone. Today we are going to discuss another ULA blocker, focus. And as a reminder, ULA blockers are those things that hold you back from living your ULA life. And today we have coach Heather Hill here with us to talk about the different ways a lack of focus or misdirected focus can stop us from achieving our goals and living the life we want and deserve. Heather Hill is a certified holistic nutritionist, revelation wellness instructor, and balanced wellness coach. She has a passion for sharing God's word with others to see them grow their relationship with Jesus so they can walk in their purpose according to his plan for them. Her mission as a coach is to help women move through trauma into a life of health and healing. She is a child of God, wife, mother of three, and Nana of five. Originally from Canada, she moved to Michigan in 1982 and became a U. S. citizen in 1996. While her older son, Chris, and daughter, Michelle, live in Michigan with their children, she currently lives in Tennessee with her husband, Rick, and her youngest son, Nick. Heather merges her passion for sharing her faith with her self compassion trauma awareness training and nutrition education for a holistic approach to overcoming trauma. I am Coach Stephanie, and I am here today with Coach Melinda, my co host, and Whole Wellness Freedom Coach, Heather Hill. Hi, Melinda.


Hello. Hello, ladies. Thanks As Stephanie said, we are on a mission to showcase some of our fabulous Oola Life Coaches and share their stories, and we are very excited to introduce Heather Hill to our listeners today as she shares about herself and the Oola Blocker Focus. Welcome, Heather, and thanks for joining us


today. Oh, thank you for having me. Hi,


Heather. Hey, so I noticed when I was reading your introduction that you didn't mention your furry family members, but we know you have them and we love animals, both Melinda and I do. So why don't you tell us a little bit about


your pets? Yeah, I, I teased my husband that I think our, I have an Instagram page for our dogs and cats and they have more followers than he does. But, we have two, 60 pound, Red Tuxedo, Golden Doodles, and they're hysterical. They definitely keep us on our toes. Their names are Nashville and Knoxville. So we, we got them when we already knew we were moving to Tennessee. So that's why we picked those names. And then we have Anakin and Boba Fett, and they are our two orange tabby rescues, and they're a little bit less than hysterical. They're, um, They try every bit of our patience. I've had a lot of people tell me that they would have gotten rid of them by now, but you know, I signed a contract that I was going to take care of them and honestly they are starting to calm down a bit now after seven years of wreaking havoc in our home.


Cats. So do you, Knox and Nash, do they like Tennessee better than


Yeah, well, we had a bigger backyard for them in Michigan, but there's a lot of trails here. So Rick takes them. They go for a lot of walks. And so they like that. So they're doing they're both doing fine. are animals settled in faster than. We did. Honestly, that


was my next question. are you now liking it now that you've moved and spent


like a year, right? 18 months. So yeah, it was a little bit. It was, I, I tell people it was actually probably one of the most traumatic things that we've been through just because of the length of time. It was like, just difficult physically and mentally. And there was so much that, um, I thought I had really prepared, you know, I'm kind of a, playing a head person and there was just so much that I couldn't even possibly have known about and you know, the physical move itself was tough and I didn't, I don't think I realized how much my kids and grandkids were gonna, be not happy about us moving. Like, they waited until the very end to really let us know and I was like, oh my gosh. So. You know, and then about a week after we got here, we all got COVID, so it was just like one thing after another, and the medical system's very difficult here, or you know, different here, not difficult, it's just different, but we've been here like 18 months now, and I know, without a doubt, it was, the best move for us, and I'm 100 percent sure that God put it on our heart to come to Tennessee for sure. Our church that we found that I found before I moved from Michigan. I made sure I found my church first. So, um, yeah, I, we are definitely meant to be here and I'm really excited for what's to come for us in Tennessee. Oh, that's so good to hear. I'm


happy about that. So let's, um, talk a little bit about you and your coaching. It says in the introduction that you're a certified holistic nutritionist. And that really got my attention because I am really into all things holistic and, and nutrition. So tell us. How you use that in your coaching practice?


Yeah. So I, I'm certified through AFPA as a holistic nutritionist. And, you know, growing up, I'm a product of the, prepared food generation where everything was from a box and a can, and I never really knew how to prepare healthier food. So when I took the course, the certification, I took it mostly for myself, but, quickly discovered that. That's my focus area for clients is women that are my age. And I knew it would be something that I'd be able to help others with. And many seniors, I'm kind of a younger senior, but I'm still technically a senior, but, um, they don't have the knowledge or the income available to purchase and prepare like healthier foods, healthier meals. And that's an area that I'm really. Working on growing here. So I've been active with the senior center here and I'm going to be start doing some nutrition education there. I have my small group through church there already, and then I'm looking forward to doing a lot more. And, you know, plus proper nutrition is just an important tool to help with so many ailments for seniors and just everybody, right? You can, you can fix so much that's wrong with you just by eating properly for, you know, healthy foods. So.


Yeah, I definitely agree with that. That's our 70 20 10 that we 70 percent nutrition.


That's great. It


sounds like we all share in the wanting to help others as well. And I'm equally interested in knowing more about being a Revelation Wellness Instructor.


Tell us a little bit about that. Yeah, so that is, um, that's really where my heart is mostly. I'm a fitness teacher, gospel preacher, certified through Revelation Wellness, and it's a faith based fitness program that focuses on more, not on helping you be a size two model that our world kind of pushes on us as a healthy standard, but Being more like Jesus, healthy in mind, body, and spirit. And so we work on strengthening our faith as we strengthen our body. Everybody is different. Like, every body is different. And it's important to remember that you're God's good idea, just the way you are. And that your appearance, actually, and your body size, and what you look like is actually the least interesting thing about you, right? How you love God, and how you love others, and how you treat others is what comes first. It's great. I have


never actually heard of RWI, so I'm learning something new today. So you're a balanced wellness coach as well, and this must be the part that ties into becoming a certified Oola Life Coach. Is


that right? Yeah, so with the, you know, I became an Oola Life Coach first, and then, um, then I did the Revelation Wellness Certification, and then I did the Holistic Nutrition, and now it's all kind of come full circle now that they're doing the Mind and Body Certification. I'm super excited for that, and, I'm actually was just... I've taken my website down and everything. I'm rebranding everything and then they have come up with this. So I'm very excited to see where that that's going to help me tie everything all in together. I think. So, I think a lot of coaches are really excited for


that. Myself included. Yeah, we probably were all jumping up and down when we heard that announcement. That was


unexpected, but expected and great. I just love it. Yeah.


Did you want to tell us a little bit about how you first discovered Oola and, and how you were led down the path to becoming a coach?


Sure. I, initially like many others, I found out about Oola through Young Living. I was a member of Young Living and I saw the oils, the set of oils that they had and, bought the oils and the kit, started using the oils, didn't read the book and I owned it. I thought I should have learned from it just by owning it, but, And then I just started following them, and, following what they were talking about, and then, uh, they were in Michigan for a book signing, and so I went to see them there, and then That's when I really became, you know, I mean, you guys will probably agree once you meet the Oola guys in person, it's better than any book. But then I started, I read all the books and then they announced coaching and I was all in right from the beginning.


Yeah, I, I do. I met him at a book signing in Portland, Oregon. Okay. So I mentioned earlier that we are discussing that Oola blocker focus today and having a clear focus is a good thing. However, it can morph into an Oola blocker quite quickly and can take on one of two forms, lack of focus or misdirected focus. Can you, Heather, explain to our listeners why a lack of focus can become an issue and give us an example of a time you or maybe a client have experienced?


Well, anytime, um, you know, anything that takes you off of the path that you're working towards your goals, that's, a blocker, right? So the, it's one thing to be focused, but you can be overly focused on something, which can also be a problem if you're excluding other things or other parts of your life. So it's important to have, um, balanced focus and not have misdirected focus. With my clients, I can't think of a client that really had trouble with the focus, but personally, I think. I struggle with being too focused on something and that's just part of my personality. I get set on something and I, I focus too much on it people call it like, well, you're a workaholic or, you know, but it's, it's really misdirected focus. If you're just too tied into one thing that you're neglecting other areas of your life. Right? So let's talk about


lack of focus. Lack of focus can seem common in our culture these days, especially in terms of not delaying gratification. For instance, buying what you want when you want it, eating what you want when you want it. And in the Oola book, Dr. Troy and Dr. Dave write, Live like you're going to die tomorrow, but plan like you're going to live forever. So let's discuss this. Why delaying Gratification is so important.


So I think when you're working towards something, it's easy to say, oh, why isn't this happening right now? Like, I want this now. I've been working for this for a long time, and I'm still not getting what I'm working towards. And I tend to look at it as, if I'm not getting what I'm working towards right away, it's just not my time, right? It's just not, I'm not ready for it for some reason. I might not know what that reason is, but. If it just doesn't happen as fast as I'd like it to, I'm not ready for it yet. And I think that God in his wisdom knows when we're ready and he holds things back or, gives us things when he knows that we're ready because he knows that that's the right time. So when I don't get something that I wanted, I know it's just not my time and my time will come, or maybe I need to see if I'm working towards the wrong thing completely. And, you know, it's time to pivot and work towards something else. Right, focus on the bigger goal and sacrifice




to win later. Right.


Let's discuss the other part of this Oola blocker,


misdirected focus. I have this theory that I think we should schedule our misdirected focus because I think misdirected focus is actually, caused by overwhelm and You know, and it causes you to procrastinate what you're supposed to be doing. So I always think if you feel you have to be able to recognize that that's happening. And then if you recognize that's happening, then you can say, all right, I need to step back and do something that. gives me joy right now. Like I need to take either 30 minutes, do something that will give me joy to get away from this overwhelm so that I can get back to what I need to be doing. You know, just give yourself permission to take that break and it'll clear your head and your heart and get you in a better state physically and mentally to get back to what you need to be focusing on. So whenever I, feel like I'm getting overwhelmed, that's exactly what I do. I'll set a timer. And I'll just, I'll go outside. I'll play with the dogs. I'll avoid the cats. I'll do something that brings me joy for just a few minutes. And then I can get back to what I need to be doing. That's a great


tip. In our massage practice, we actually hand out tennis balls. We write on them, stress less, play more, so that people can take a break and get out there and play with their dogs. Yeah, I love that.


Yeah, I, I just did that today. I looked at my calendar when I got this morning and I started to be like, why did I schedule all this in one day? But then I found the time to take the two dogs out to get out of the house and into the sunshine and fresh air before I took on this podcast interview. So what Oola accelerator do you think someone could use to combat the Oola blocker of focus?


So my number one Oola Accelerator is Integrity, I know the Oola guys say passion will get beat down any blocker, but I think integrity will combat any blocker. If you have, integrity with God and yourself and others, then you'll know your passion and your purpose, and You'll act with that humility and wisdom that God has given you and your gratitude and love for God will help keep you disciplined and you'll be able to do anything that you set your mind to. But you have to have integrity and know what you're supposed to be doing. So is that,


is integrity, you said, your favorite Oolacelerator? Mm hmm. Nice. Alright, so we are also asking all the coaches on our show some questions similar to the Pruess questionnaire, which became popular from a parlor game created by Marcel Pruess, a French essayist and novelist who believed that in answering 35 questions, an individual reveals his or her true nature. And we tell everyone, we're not asking you all 35, we just picked five. The first one is, tell us something in your life that has grown out of a personal disaster.


Definitely my purpose, because I am focused on being for others, the person that I needed when I was at my lowest point. I seek those people out and I pray that God puts them in my path so that I can serve them. So definitely my purpose, because I think you have to take purpose out of every pain that you're experience. There's a reason for every pain. when and where were you the happiest you've ever been? I think, you know, I've had a lot of low times, but I've also had a lot of happy times and I think it's hard to pick just one, but, I know being in the mountains is part of the reason why I wanted to originally move to Tennessee is, you know, I just feel closer to God and it's like a joy I can't even describe. So I think, just being in nature, and that's when I'm happiest. But, you know, of course all my kids and my husband have to mention my husband. And, you know, there's a lot of times that I've been very happy, but I think I'm most at peace and happy when I'm in the mountains. I get to go up into the mountains.


So what relationship defines love for you? Real or fictional?


Um, I mean, it's, it's my relationship with Jesus, without a doubt. There's just no greater love than that, so. I know you just mentioned


your husband, and I realized I was going to ask you about him earlier, about he's part of the Oola community, too. Yes. That's exciting when, your spouse gets on board with it too, is that?


It is because it's such a big part of my life. So I'm glad that it's also a big part of his life. we live by the Oola principles and, he has been to an Oolapalooza, he doesn't like going to Oolapalooza when I'm mentor coaching because I don't really sit with him. So he doesn't, but then when I come home, we, we do his Oolapalooza. after that. So, um, yeah, it's been a huge help having him, be part of the community. He's an ambassador and on my team. So, um, that's the one place I get to tell him what to do. That's,


that's fantastic. Okay, so getting back to Pruist here, what person, place or experience has


shaped you the most? So, again, you know, it's hard to pick one thing when, I mean, you get to my age, I've had a lot of experiences and met a lot of people. So, but I've had a lot of amazing teachers and pastors along the way that have really helped me, but probably the first time that I met the Oola guys in person. At the book signing that was in Michigan, because I saw that they were going to be there. And I'm, I'm glad that I mentioned it to my husband. I normally wouldn't have until, the day before and told him where we're going, but I did mention it ahead of time. And then, um, it was actually. During one of my darker times and so when the day came to go and I said, Hey, I'm not going to go. I just don't want to go. It's not going to do any good. I don't need to see them. And my husband actually said, Oh, I think we're going to go. We're going to, we're going to go and see the Oola guys. And I said, I don't, I don't want to go. He said, I really think we should go. And it was back and forth and back and forth. And so the whole ride there, I looked out my window on my side and did not speak to him. And then we got there and it was just so great to see them. It was a smaller group. It was only 30 people. And, um, when they talk, they just emit like warmth and, you know, you feel like you're talking to your best friend. And Dave said, God has created you for greatness and a purpose. And, he looks at each, person when he's talking to them. And when he said that, he looked right at me. And that was it. I was done. I just put my head down and I was, you know, a puddle. It was a mess. So I think that's when I knew I had, I'm getting even choked up right now. I think that's when I knew I had to really be part of Oola and really actually read the book and, you know, start doing the framework. And, um, And then that has just made such a difference. So, well, nice Rick. Yeah. He doesn't normally put his foot down with me, but he's that day, he was like, Oh no, we're going. So


the last of the first questions, uh, what advice would you give to your younger self?


So I think about this a lot and I've heard this, that other people say this as advice to the younger self. And I just would like. To remind myself when I was younger that it gets better, you know, just keep going. It gets better. There's a reason for what you're going through. And just keep pushing forward, and it's going to get better.


We are also asking all the coaches on our show if they have taken an Enneagram test. For anyone out there unfamiliar, the Enneagram is a system of personality typing. that describes patterns and how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. Have you taken an Enneagram test? And if so, what's your


number? Uh, I have taken it. I, I took it a while ago and then, I took it recently. I thought maybe I had changed, but I'm still an Enneagram one. I feel like I should have changed, though, because I feel like I've softened a bit in my age. But, yeah, I'm still on Enneagram 1. Would you like to share with the


listeners more about what that means, or would you like us to summarize it?


So, I don't have the list in front of me, but basically, I know it means that you're a rural follower and very organized and very, you know, matter of fact. And, I don't know if you have a list, maybe you should share the list. Well, it's


interesting because 1 of the things that a number 1 has is a lot of integrity,


which happens to be 1 of your


favorites. So that's interesting. And at their core, they are defined by their perceptions of right and wrong, their commitment to doing things right, 1's act with self discipline, determination, and the ability to delay gratification for a brighter tomorrow. And the strengths of the Enneagram 1s is are organized, hardworking, and efficient. are aware of and honest about what the world needs, help others to be better people, value fairness, justice, and order, and do the right thing because it is the right thing, not because someone told them. So I think, yeah, I think you are a number


one. I just thought it would be more you know, more loosened up, but I took it the second time, but I mean, you are who you are. And, and, you know, the thing about, a lot of those personality tests too, is I don't know if either of you have taken the, who are you course? Not yet. It's on my list for next year. Yeah. I didn't like it at the beginning when I took the test because as an Enneagram one, I think I know everything. And so, um, the questions were a little confusing. So I was like, well, this doesn't make sense. But anyway. I'm glad that I stuck with it and, uh, went through it because a lot of the personality tests, they will tell you, yep, here's who you are, this is who you are, and here's your strengths, and here's your weaknesses. The Who Are You program tells you, here's your strengths, and this is who you are, and now here's how to be your best in other situations when, when you're put against something that you don't align with. So it's super, super helpful, and I really like that. that way of looking at it. But yeah, I, I do have a high integrity with myself and with others. And sometimes that's hard because other people aren't always going to be who you think they should be. And, in my life so far, it's served me well because I've been mostly in management. And I think that. You're going to be a good manager, whether, you know, I was a retail manager, I was an office manager, you have to have that organization and, that integrity to be good in that job. So I think that that's, and it's good for raising kids to have integrity and teach them integrity. It's good to pass that on to them. And I do like helping and teaching others. So that has served me well as a coach too. It's


great. I think I have a high regard for integrity as well. And you're right, sometimes it can be disappointing when you put too much emphasis on it for yourself. What, um, what quote or motto do you


value Uh, for years and years, it's been, be still. I even have it. tattooed on my wrist. So that, that kind of helps me just when I start to, you know, when I lose focus or when I, you know, start to kind of go off track anywhere, I'm just like, okay, take a minute, be still, get yourself back to where you're supposed to be. Um, same thing when somebody else does not have integrity, you need to help yourself be still and, you know, deal with whatever they're handing you. I love that


one too. Well, this has been fantastic. I actually can't believe we're already Wrapping this up. We can't thank you enough for joining us today. Is there anything that we didn't ask you that you'd like to add?


I don't think so. I don't know. I really liked all these questions.


Yeah, I think your coaching practice is very unique and, I think that you could help a lot of people with that. I really enjoyed getting to learn more about what you do. Um, I have one last question for you. So what advice do you have for our listeners who are struggling with a lack of focus or misdirected focus in their own


lives? Well, you have to be able to recognize it, that you are losing focus and then act on it and, either act on it right away and be able to take yourself out of that situation and spend 10 or 15 minutes. Kind of recentering and then go back to what you're supposed to be doing. Or I actually schedule, I don't call it misdirected focus time, but I actually schedule, breaks in my day, especially if I have a full day scheduled, where I have a list of 10 or 15 little 5 or 10 minute projects around the house that need to be done, but I never seem to get to, and if I'm starting to feel like I'm, needing to be away from whatever it is I'm working on, or I need a break from that, I'll go and do one of those things on the list, like clean the junk drawer in the kitchen, or do, something silly that takes you away from whatever it is you're working on. That's what I do. Trying to focus on and it just is like a reset. So, when you're just seeing that you're all over the place and struggling to focus, you just have to give yourself permission to get away from that for a few minutes and reset. Great advice.


Before we part ways, we want to let you know that our next episode will showcase coach Judith Labert and the last Oola blocker of Envy. We want to remind you that we are all designed for greatness and purpose. Stress less, feel better, and enjoy life a little more. Thanks again for joining us today,


Heather. Thank you. And goodbye, everyone.

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