Life Coaches in Cahoots
Life Coaches in Cahoots
19: Coach Debbie Longoria - Oola Blocker Guilt
Episode 19
Date Recorded: August 11, 2023
Title: Coach Debbie Longoria – Oola Blocker: Guilt
Description: Debbie has had many accidental careers during her lifetime, but it wasn’t until she became an Oola Life Coach that she found her essential purpose. She is passionate about helping those who are in the sunset season of their lives discover that it’s not too late to start living differently. She also serves those who are feeling lost, alone, and hopeless by being a source of comfort and connecting with them through community. Above all, Debbie has a heart for mentoring the younger generation and sharing the important message with them not to settle for a life based on the expectations of others. She wants her life to be their lesson: Don’t wait until you’re 60 to start living intentionally! Through Oola, Debbie discovered that she is the ticket to her own life adventures, that it is up to her to be the change in her own life, and she is honored to help others do the same.
How to connect with Debbie:
Website: https://myoolalifeadventures.com
Email: debbie@myoolalifeadventures.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/debbie.longoria.5
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamtheticket_oola
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/debbielongoria
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