Life Coaches in Cahoots

6th Month Anniversary Bonus: Check in with Coaches

Melinda Oldt, Steph EIlitz, Dave Braun, and Certified Oola Life Coaches Season 1 Episode 0

all right, welcome. We are at Coaches Corner. The We are live on Facebook, and I would like to first introduce life coaches in cahoots from the podcasters, Melinda Olt and Stephanie Eilitz. Go ahead and take a


it away. Hi Chris. I'd like to say hi to everybody. Welcome everyone. And I just wanna say a special thank you to Chris Kash for having us here on Coach's Corner. Um, she has been super supportive of the life coaches in cahoots and will actually be on one of our upcoming episodes. So thank you so much, Chris, for having us, and thank you guys for joining us again. Uh, first I wanna start with Stephanie. I wanna know from Stephanie, how do you think this past six months has gone for us? This is a big six month curve for the two of us, and I wanna hear about how much fun she's had and what's new and exciting with her.


Well, first I just wanna say I've told you all during the interviews, it's been an honor to get to know you better and to, um, hear your stories. It's been very humbling and inspiring. I know we've laughed and we've come close to tears, and some of you gave me stories that gave me chills. I've learned so much more about you and I'm truly grateful that you gave us your time and shared your stories. what's new with me is I. First of all, the snow melted when I was being interviewed before, it was freezing and we recovered in snow. So yes, I still live in Hudson, Wisconsin. Um, we're gonna stick around here for a while, and so I've been getting to, know my local business owners and connecting with my community more and just putting myself out there and trying to share Oola with everybody. That's what I've been doing. And also I.


This came in the mail.


I upgraded my total rebalancing system and I got my connection, probiotics and, um, loving that. So that's all.


It's new with me. That's great. Do you wanna tell everybody how I coerced you into being a co-host on life coaches and


cahoots? Yes, well, we discussed my Enneagram is a two, so I am the helper. it's really hard for me to say no, it has been a boundary issue for me. But yeah, I do believe, I laughed when you first asked me, because podcasting is not something I've ever thought of doing. I don't, you know, I didn't have any background in it, and so I didn't. Know what I was doing and I don't like that. It was very difficult for me, to take on that challenge. But it's been really good and really fun and big learning curve, but I've been


enjoying it. I agree about the learning curve. Um, you guys don't know this, but I've been to Oola Palooza twice and I'm actually the lurker. I have said it. I lurk and I learn. And um, so yeah, this has been a big learning curve, but a big part of how I live my Oola life is to connect and have community. So every year I start a new project that just helps with the connection. And so I could not think of a better way to do this than this year, have the podcast with all the life coaches. Y'all are out there sharing and doing a fabulous job. So yeah, I'm super proud. Honored that you're all here.


I wanna step in real quick and ask Dr. Dave as we're going through. Had you ever imagined when you started thinking about life coaches, that there would be an entire podcast dedicated to just interviewing Oola


life coaches? No. I don't know, like part of me, you know, Chris, you, you know me really, really well. most of you do, by the way. A lot of amazing smiles on here. Everybody's smiling this morning. I love it. Like big smiles on here. Um, but yeah, like there's part of me that would've thought, there's no way. And then there's part of me that always has that big dreamer inside of me, that big vision that someone's gonna take this and run with it. So when I heard that you two were doing this, I was very grateful. And happy because I think we do need a place where all the coaches can be interviewed and speak and learn. but yeah, just, I mean, the coaching network, I mean, just everything that Oola is doing right now is one of those things that's, I don't know, it's, it is dreamy, like it's Dr. A dream come true thing. Uh, so it's, it's really unique that the, the more things I hear like. You know, people sharing Oola, getting a Oola tattoo, whatever people taking, posting the first book, wearing the first hat. Um, I remember just like someone retweeted our first tweet was like, oh my gosh, we gotta retweet. You know, I mean, that wasn't that long ago. So, uh, it's crazy, um, how far this has come and it's gonna be realey to see what the ne next decade brings. But yeah, I think this is a great foundation. So super grateful for it.


Melinda, do you wanna share with us why you wanted to start the podcast and also more about why you wanted to do this bonus episode?


Sure. Okay. So it's pretty simple. For me. A big part of my life is the connection, and so I'm always trying to push myself to be a better person. And I definitely try to live within my values, which would be that I leave the earth better, the world better than it was when I was here. And so for me, All of Oola means that, and everybody that we can touch with Oola will be changed. There's two things I know for sure the lifestyle framework works. It works for me. It works for all of you and the community itself, the support and the just drive behind it all is what pushes and motivates me to be a better me. So I have no doubt we're gonna motivate everybody else as they're going through this podcast with us. So that's the real story behind it. It's kind of simple. And uh, Stephanie was my lurking partner at Oola Palooza, so I just got to know her a little bit better. And, um, so we connect on a couple of levels, but I really enjoy Stephanie the way she. Speaks the way she talks, her voice, I gotta say offsets mind, which is fabulous for me. So, um, even my own family says, boy, Stephanie has a good voice. And I'm like, I know she should do audio stuff. But, um, yeah, she's, she's proven to be a great co-host for me. I've really enjoyed it so far.


When you guys interviewed me, um, I was super impressed. I thought you guys did an incredible job. So you guys do work well off of each other, which is really cool, and I think we should have something at Oola Palooza where lurkers come on stage and speak for like a half hour. I think we should like all vote on that right now. Like if you, if you admit you're a lurker, you need to have like a 30 minute section where you speak. What do you guys say? Are you getting nervous? Melinda, you're gonna be Yes.


Honestly, now I feel like Stephanie did six months ago, but um, yeah, I could do that.


Is there anything else you wanna share about updating us? Anything new with you besides the podcast?


Okay, sure. The biggest thing for me right now is my field. I have a five year plan, two and a half years into it. And since Oola drives me so hard, it's turned into like a 10 year plan. But, um, the biggest thing for me is I have a private massage practice and it's been in the same brick and mortar spot for five years. And, uh, the end of this month I moved to a new location and I'll be starting to focus on some oncology massage. That's really growing in our field. So I'm super excited to, again, serve in a different sort of way and keep growing there. So, um, and starting to plan next year's yearly project. So yeah, I'm, I'm super busy and super excited, but thanks for asking. Nice.


Should we move on to, Dr. Dave next? First


of all, congratulations, Mr. President.


Tell us about your new role with, Oola Life and, um, what you've been up to.


No, I, I'm just where Oola is going. I feel like, coming in a little bit more out of the day-to-day, cuz I didn't, for two years, it was all about creating, um, which is really like something I love is creating, but it was so much of creating and managing, uh, to get it where it was and, and coming to convention this year with the launch of connection. It was kind of that last product that needed to be launched. And then with Becca's program, which comes out in a couple days, it's that last program that needed to be launched for a while to really have the complete package of what we were trying to do. So starting about two, three months ago, all that was already done, so I was starting to be able to move out of that. Really day to day, running the tech team, running, you know, product development and all of that stuff. And then Travis wanted to bring them just like more, oversee the full vision of Oola, uh, the one V seven, uh, mission of Oola and the vision behind what we want to do, which is ultimately, like, probably my strong suit is just to be the visionary, leader, educator, entertainer, facilit table around the world. so being able to do that, um, was, it was really good when, when Travis asked me to step up into that role, I was really, Grateful for that and come out of some of that day-to-day stuff, cuz I feel like I want to get out more into the community. And I know we're going to Arizona, I think in a couple, two, three weeks for that first, life rebalanced workshop. I wanna split off, um, where it's not just Becca going out and doing those, or aina, that's where I'm gonna start doing that too. I wanna get back on the road, I wanna get back to coaches, to ambassadors. I wanna start doing workshops, even if it's for 10, 20 people at a church or a coffee shop, whatever it is. So I wanna start doing that as well. which, Fits right into the visionary, leader, educator, entertainer, and facilitator of Vula More than like working with tech teams and working with product development, although I loved it, I needed to do it. I'm really picky on, you know, how stuff works. Um, I think our products are just incredible. I think our programs and stuff are, are really coming into their own now. A lot of the developments that we've made with those and the coaching network as well. So now it's time for me to kind of step back a little bit and really push into supporting the coaches and the ambassadors in the field. And that's, that's really what I love to do. So get back and let me talk on little stages and, uh, coffee shops, wherever I need to go, um, and just help people. That's what I want to do. That's what the whole thing means. So it's not a title. It means I get to go be that guy. And that's what I really wanted to do from the beginning.


That's super exciting. and you talked about Becca really quick. Give her a shout out and, uh, just quickly tell our listeners what her role is


with Oola. So I met Becca a couple years ago, uh, through Travis Ogden, our c e o. Um, and I just actually she did, um, the PRO scan on me and it was funny because she did the PRO scan about two years ago and she said, these are your strengths and this is where this new job, like developing all the tech and all that product development has pushed you. And it's not like it's gonna burn you out cause it's just a lot of not who you're naturally designed to be. Um, and I knew that, I mean, but I'm like, I can, I can stay with something to see it to completion. Um, so that's how, that's how we first met. So she was almost like a little bit of my coach on like, how do I navigate, you know, some of the big projects I need to build and all that. Um, how do I bring the right people around me? And then she came in as, the director of coaching. when that role opened up, which we were super excited about, to really, take the the coaching certification, redo the whole certification, just streamline everything, so that we could get it all more systemized. And then from there she turned right into the Greek Chief Growth Officer, which I mean, you guys know, I mean, she's done an incredible job, really bringing the whole thing together. She's a key. She's a key piece. To everything we're doing right now. I've known that in the back of my mind for a while. Do you guys know what, in Oola we always talk about bringing the right people on the bus. And when you're on the Oola bus, you're on the bus, like you're on the bus. We're gonna go change the world of Word. But then you have to find the right seat for those people. And some people will be podcasting and some people will be on oncology massaging. Some people will be, you know, ambassador, whatever. Her role as Chief Groff officer, she's in the right seat right now. and she's doing a great job, really supporting ambassadors and coaches on how to build their businesses. So, yeah, could be more grateful for her. And, uh, she's gonna be here tomorrow with Max Amal and a Dean and I are gonna sit for 12 hours and brainstorm the next 16 months. Oola has never been able to do a 16 month calendar. We've done a six minute calendar, like what are we doing tomorrow at noon? So we're actually gonna start planning a 16 month calendar of all the events next year's International Oola Day convention. All of that is gonna be done. And a lot of that is we're finally to the point. We can just relax a little bit, bring her in, and really move forward and, start planning ahead for the next decade of where we want to go with Oola. So it's nice to be in that mode. Finally. Exciting.


Could you tell us about Adina a little bit and the mind and body product line? I


can, oh, you can't, I just blush and then I, I screw this up every time. I'm gonna keep, I'll go ahead and finish your question, Melinda, and then I'll do my best. Oh, just


share with us Adinas role.


Yeah. So I was at the summit in North Dakota, completely butchered an introduction because I started just saying like, Hey, our new, I can't even do it right now. Like this is, this is like the new product educator for Oola. Her background is nutrition forever. She was ranked the top 10 fittest woman in America by Bodybuilder Magazine like 10 years ago. And then she's constantly done, education arm products, and. nutrition and health ever since. And yeah, when I stood up to introduce her, I just looked at her and then I just started blushing and said, she's beautiful and you guys will hear her, but she's my wife. So for everyone that doesn't know, that's the problem is I have a crush on her and, uh, I can't talk, but I have to talk about her. So, yes, in Oola, she's a product educator, does an incredible job. She's gonna be going on the road a lot with Becca. Um, I'm most likely those two will go. I'm gonna go to Arizona with them, most likely those two will go. Then I'm gonna break off and start doing my own. And then she's gonna go with Becca, mostly until she does some of her own, life rebalance workshops. But she's gonna be working with Becca on product education in those workshops.


That's great. I think those two are gonna be a great working relationship, just like Steph and I. I'll take you off the hook a little bit, but I wanna keep you engaged. Now I'm gonna ask you about Dr. Troy since he couldn't join us. I was interested you guys took the Dream Tour International, and I'd like to hear about the Philippines trip a little bit from you.


Yeah, there's a lot of things that are going on behind the scenes, that'll roll out in the next 12 months too, but the one thing that happened already was the Philippines, Thailand, and, uh, South Korea. Um, and really that was now that you guys were at convention or the people that were at convention heard, Kevin, speak from stage as c e o of usana. What happened was simply, They came to Oola Pza in Nashville and he called us the next day and he said, I've been to personal development for 30 years, and that's the best personal development event I've ever been part of. That changed me. Um, from there he kind of put in almost his re resignation as c e o to go sit on the board and spend more time with his family and doing the stuff he loves. Um, and he said, one thing I want to do is I need to bring this Oola plus a message to our top 200 leaders in the us. And top 200 leaders in the Philippines. so they organized, anus in Vegas back at the Hard Rock, by the way, which is super cool. We haven't been there in a couple years. And then they organized the one in the Philippines and their, their events team was just incredible to work with. And then from there, Troy and I spun off and we, you know, went in the Philippines and visited the kids that you all support in the rice bowls project cuz they have a, a safe house orphanage place there. and then we actually did some outreach in the Philippines. We did a media tour in the Philippines. I think we were published in 30. Some different articles in through the Philippines and then we took that to Thailand, and did the same thing. Not in Nous, but we did the same thing. Media tour and just, you know, sticker stops and stuff throughout Thailand and then into South Korea for a day. And then we're back. But yeah, it was super. What's crazy is everywhere we've been with Oola, we've been in Mexico and and Canada and over into Europe and Asia and United Arab Emirates, it's really well accepted that there's seven key areas of life and everybody gets it right away. Singapore, we spoke there not long ago. Everybody got it? They're like, oh yeah, fitness, fine, family field, faith, friends, fun. No matter what their faith is, no matter what their family situation is, no matter what their career is, they all get it. So it's really interesting how. We have so much of the same, the similarities across different regions of the world and everybody's trying to be better in those seven key areas no matter where you are. So that's always cool to see that. And, and same with the Philippines, man, they, the Philippines. They got it. I mean, they were, they got it. They were like, we need this bad in the Philippines. So we'll see where that goes. There's a lot of talks about, you know, doing more of that in the future. but right now our biggest focus right now, the next 16 months from a standpoint of Oola is North America really getting a stronger foothold here and getting us established. There's three 50 million people here and they don't know about Uli yet. And we have a lot of work to do for these three 50. Um, and then we can start talking about the rest. But that's gonna be the next 16 month strategy is really building out North America and, and getting strong leaders and strong coaches and ambassadors throughout North America and, uh, throughout the US I should say. And really sharing Oola deep in, in the us And that's where I'm gonna be traveling the next 16 months is mostly us.


I feel like ULAs on fire. Can you tell us, did Dr. Troy buy that jacket in South Korea?


Which jacket?


He is? He is online in Seoul trying on a jacket and everybody was voting yay or nay, but I never got to see if he purchased that


jacket. You know what, I remember that post now, but I don't even know if he bought it. I totally forgot about that. Should I tell you what he did do at, at. In the Philippines from, of course you should. It's crazy. I've never seen anything like this in my life. So we were in stage and we decided on day two, first of all, they said, day one, there's gonna be 200 people. Day two in the Philippines, half won't show. That's just their culture. They just won't show. So we were expecting to come into a half empty building and we came in and there was about two 20. They had to bring in security to keep people out cuz people were trying to get their family and friends in, which was radical. I mean, these people are like really excited about Oola. And then we decided the night before, it's like, well if the crowd's gonna be half, let's do some kind of giveaway thing. So we organized this giveaway and now we had to do this giveaway with about 220 people jammed in this hard rock. Um, in the Philippines, and we got down to the last thing and some guy was really bummed he didn't win. So Troy literally took off his jacket and gave the guy a suit jacket. the guy was so happy that he was wearing Troy's suit jacket. He wore it the whole rest of the day. It was the cutest thing ever. So yeah, it was, it was amazing. Troy, I'm like, he's, he just bought that jacket. He's giving away his jacket and he took it off and he gave it away. So maybe he did have to buy that one in soul because he needed a jacket.


Exactly. That's very Oola. Thank you for sharing. So, You and Dr. Troy are episodes three and four. If our listeners wanna go back and catch those on life coaches in cahoots, they can do that. And then Stephanie is gonna move on to episode five. Yes,


that is Coach Erica Rasmussen.


Hey Erica. Hello. How are you?




And you are our latest, Oola 90 Day Challenge winner. Congratulations. Do you wanna talk to us about your Oola one that you shared with us in your interview and how that's going?


my Oola one


crushed it. Um, I set out to run my first half marathon and along that journey I learned


that I was capable more.


so I got that half marathon done, did another one, and now I'm training for my first marathon. And so I will be running in the New York City Marathon this November, which is, I guess the world's biggest marathon. So, I'm


pretty psyched about that.


Yeah, I saw that. Have you done like nine so far?


Um, actually


New York will be State 10. I have completed running races in nine states


in the past year. Yep. And you wanna


tell everyone about your website that you, I. Created.


I started a, a website, erica runs do com, and also run for your, which is a bit of project that I working, inspire people, run after whatever goals they have. I never saw myself as a runner. but this running journey has really helped me a lot and now I am working on you know, trying to pay it forward to help others, really think about how they can run toward their goals


as well. That's great. You have been very inspiring to a lot of people. So we're gonna go back a little bit cuz we wanna share with our listeners all the aspects of Oola and we would love for you to talk to us about the RISE Festival that was at the Oola Summit. Connected with that in Vegas last October. Can you share just a little bit about that?


Yeah, absolutely.


Rice Festival was really amazing. there was a. Took buses out to the middle of nowhere. like we got on the bus and I was like, where are we going? and then the bus went a little further and then it got off the highway and went further into this desert where there were thousands of people along with the Oola bus. And we had an incredible setup, where we collected people's dreams, and. It was really, really awesome, to share Oola at that level with just so many people that had never heard about it and had realized, like, I mean, all of us have those moments of like, whoa, we, we have a goal or a dream inside us. And to, to share that with others was really, really neat.




I did get to see Erica, that's where I met you for the first time when we were at the Rise Festival and I remember the white dress and I remember thinking, boy, I hope that stays white. It did. That was a blast. Thank you for sharing. Let's move on to Nicole. Nicole was our sixth episode and she was on for Oola family. And, I have seen exciting things happen in Nicole's family. So, Nicole, tell us what you've been up to.


I have been a little bit busy in the family category. we did, we recorded on February 3rd and 18 days later I had a baby daughter. And, that has been an incredible journey. Of a lot of highs and some crazy lows. I was afraid that I was going home without either of them. it was very scary, but it's all looking amazing. They're both doing great. And, my youngest son graduated from high school. He went to become a two-time national champion at the Nike Outdoor National Track Meet in at Hayward Field. And I got to experience that with my Willow family at convention, which was incredible. That was probably one of my, gonna be one of my favorite willow moments ever, I think is, is watching that. And and then my oldest son came home for the summer, unexpectedly. We thought he was gonna be staying in Florida forever or for, until he was done with college and he decided to come home. So we're, celebrating a summer of having everybody together one last time probably. So a lot of, lot of family stuff.


That's awesome. I also know that the summit, the Hometown Summit was in North Dakota you wanna share a little bit about that? Yeah.


The Hometown Summit was awesome. That was an opportunity that the North Dakota Ambassadors earned, and there's three of us on this, well, 3.5. Erica is a, honorary North Dakota Ambassador and Dave Kind accounts, I guess so four total on this video, but, we earned that. Summit here by, you know, a few months of pushing it hard on promoting Oola. And it was incredible. We had people come from all over the place, and Stephanie and Jules and Chris, they were all there as well. It was just, it was three days, actually. It was a Thursday night, Friday, Saturday of Living Learning loving Oola, and it was,


it was pretty incredible. That's fantastic. My favorite part, the community, everybody catching up with each other. Mm-hmm. So that brings me to Carrie Ford, who does have a real background going on there. So she's had some excited changes too. And uh, for me, I think social media, being able to watch Scout grow over the past couple of months and being able to keep up with what Carrie has going on and seeing what Alaska would be like because it's always been on my bucket list as just. An amazing community, part of the social media for Oola. So, um, Carrie, tell us the changes you've had.




everybody. Yeah, right as I hit unmute a seaplane flies overhead, so hopefully you're not picking up all that noise. I do live here in a campground now. So, when we talk about living differently in Oola, the last three months since I was with you has been. All about different in our lives. we just celebrated our three month anniversary up here in Alaska and it's been an incredible journey, of course, on Facebook, other than all the rain that we live with up here. It probably looks like, you know, it's this dream life and in many ways it really is because this was us realizing a dream. And, uh, but it was not easy either. And that was the big message when I finally got serious about my Oola journey and it said, you know, I need to start walking this talk in a real, real way and stepping it up in our own family, which was, you know, getting my husband retired was probably, uh, top on that list. You know, it's been a long, hard career and many of you know that he had a car accident last year and so it's been a lot of recovery and stuff. The biggest, most incredible joy of this journey has been watching him step into a brand new career that doesn't include a weapon or a bulletproof vest, and it doesn't require two phones on call twenty four seven, and I watch him engage with these people on a bus. There's something about a bus in Oola, right? So on a bus, taking passengers to one of the most incredibly beautiful places, we're taking people to see whales, we're taking people to see glaciers and on hikes. Um, and so it has been absolutely incredible, but moving everything to a state we've never been to that has no roads to get to it and, uh, leaving, you know, all that behind living in the camper. Which is why I'm outside cuz he's getting ready to go into work and there's not a whole lot of room to zoom and have someone get ready to go to work in our camper. but it's been really just an amazing experience. But it was also hard and if it wasn't for our setting goals and by step action every single day, I don't know if we could have done it really. and so it took really. Taking less seriously in my own life and then giving grace to myself for the things I couldn't do, because I've been really, you talked about Melinda, the community, and I feel like I've been so detached from our community, which is why I was so excited when I got today off and I could come and be with all of you with, even with all these mosquitoes I keep swatting at,


they're massive. I've actually been wondering how you're handling being away from everybody. it was a big leap of faith and I can't think of anybody that has a stronger faith to take that leap. And, yeah, it's been a real pleasure watching. You have a great time.


It was interesting because you, you know, everyone was like, how can you just give up all of your ministry and go be a bus driver? You know, like, how could that be a thing? But I, we immediately plugged into a local church here, and I just joined the music ministry as a little, like, you know, harmony singer in the back or whatever. And then about three weeks ago, our leader got sick and somebody had heard that I had been a director, and they said, would you step in? And I was like, I what, that's not what I came here for.


But God had other plans,


so now I'm also a music leader here too. And, and so just trying to, to fit that all in. But, you know, he has a fun way of doing that. I don't know how much time I have with you, but I'd love to share my Dream bus, uh, story if we have, if I have another second. Sure.




So I was like, how am I gonna fit Oola in this? Because our, leadership was like, you can't be promoting your own thing out there. You have to really represent the company. And my bus that they assigned me, had a really ratty seat. So I went on Facebook to get a seat cover and the only seat cover I could find was Dream Catchers. So I put this Dream Catcher seat cover on my bus, and I hung up a dream catcher and I dubbed my bus, the Dream Bus. And, and it really has become that because people come here to Alaska to meet the whales and see the glaciers because this is their bucket list item. They've wanted to do this forever, and they're bringing their families and they're coming. And people ask me all the time, like, how could you make this decision? You and your husband do this? You know? Like, what did it, I said, we wanted to live differently. We didn't want to be stuck in the rat race. And I, and then I get to say, And I'm a life coach, and I tell my clients all the time, don't wait for the catastrophic accident or diagnosis. Just do it. Live your life. So I had this woman on my bus, um, and she was absolutely stunning and maybe you saw the post that I put of her, but I also got to take her on a whale watch and she was at the front of the boat and she was looking so beautiful and I started taking pictures of her cuz I tried to do that for my guests so that they can capture living their dream. So she turned around and like put her hand up here and was looking at the mountains and I captured that picture. So afterwards I brought it to her and I said, Hey, do you want this picture? And she started crying and I said, honey, I'm so sorry I can erase it. I didn't mean to like invade your privacy or anything. And she was, I said, you just look so beautiful. And she said, no, you don't understand. I'm holding onto my wig right now. In this picture. I'm stage four cancer. This was my last vacation. And I begged my family to come with me. I'm sorry I kicked the ville even just talking about it. And, uh, she said, this has been my dream and I finally get to realize it. And she said, please send that to my husband right now because I want him to remember this because the next two months are gonna be horrible. and that was how I met this woman and realized that even though I felt like I was disconnecting from Oola, I was actually living it and bringing it to people more powerfully than I thought that I ever would.


You are doing a great job. Thanks.


April was episode nine. April Linean. How's it going? April?


Well, now that I'm emotional after listening to that story, oh my goodness,


Do you wanna share with us, the different direction your business started taking and when we were interviewing you?




I think one of the most interesting things about getting involved in something like Oola that has you taking steps every single day. In growth is that you grow. what happens when you grow is you change. it's so interesting to know that when you get started on a path, you think that it's going to be, how quickly it can actually evolve. So, you'll notice even those of you that can see the little, our little thumbnails, I have a different name in my window now. it's divergent coaching co or divergent coaching company. and crazy beautiful life is still there, but the overarching theme of what I'm doing now is Divergent Coaching Co. And Divergent really is different. And what do we do at Oola? We live differently. And so the strange thing about this is, during my fitness goal, which was my Oola one for last year, I took on a. Crazy, program called 75 Hard, and through that kind of got into the no-nonsense, approach that it has. And it really started developing me into a little bit more than just crazy beautiful nurturing and really into more of mindset and, really focusing on like, getting where I need to go by doing the hard thing first. You know? So yeah, I have, started evolving into, into Divergent Coaching co. and I'm really looking forward to watching that unfold through the next six months and longer here, so


That's awesome. Yeah. Hey, and so we are wanting to talk a little bit. About, you know, I said all aspects of Oola just for this bonus episode. talk to us a little bit about the Oola bus and what that means to our community and maybe share the first time you saw it, and if you remember how many stickers you have on it.


Oh my gosh. the Oola bus is such a big deal for Oola in itself. Obviously we know that Oola started with. Two, two guys and a bus and a million dreams. Right. I think when I first saw the Oola bus, there were 27 layers of stickers. I believe I have close, I think I have about six stickers on the bus. I only put them on when I see the bus, which is really exciting because they say there's a magical, mystical thing to the bus. I don't know if it's, Just that it kind of keeps you tied to that idea of My, my dream is on the bus. I really need to make good on this. You know, there's a different level of commitment I feel like that comes to getting your sticker on the bus. but I have to say, seeing the bus and being in its presence, there is also something a little mystical to it as well. Having your photo by the bus and like, you know, having that as a reminder of visiting that space and feeling that energy. And I think that's part of what it is. I am. I'm a Volkswagen girl too, so I mean, that's part of it for me because I just have a love for that, that whole genre of, of stuff too, so, but yeah, it's an important part of who we are in Oola. Definitely. Yeah.


I agree with that though. Oola Buss is like a giant lead magnet for Oola. Deanna, how about, uh, sharing with us, you were our episode on fun. So share with us what you've been up to lately. What's going on? What's fun?


So for me, our whole episode was about fun and, my aim in Oola is to, bring some light and lightness to the heavy topic of trauma. Because that's where my life and my service comes from. But I am not a heavy person. but it's also not a laughing matter. So how do you infuse that and do that? So that is like one of my biggest goals, and writing was a big part of that. I guess it started with Dave's story when the first time I heard him at Oola Palooza was 2016. So I've been attending Oola Palooza for a long time, I haven't missed since then. the story really hit me, but what hit me more was, him forcing, I'm gonna say forcing because I felt like I didn't have to do it, but forcing me to be grateful in everything. Even though I left kicking and screaming. I returned the next year with that and realized that, people don't understand the steps that they need to take and how gratitude can actually lighten that load. And so that's my aim. and so hearing his story really made me want to write. And, I didn't know how I was gonna approach that. I've written stuff all over the place. I have parts of books written everywhere. Everywhere. I don't care where you look. They're in notes, they're in journals. It's in my computer. It's everywhere. So, I basically started writing professionally for magazine just to just get my feet wet, an online magazine, food guides, and I come from the life coaching standpoint on there, and I've been doing that for about a year now. And so, um, just luckily I had, I had my podcast called Lap App Trauma. I had Adina on there who recommended that I also interview Kate Butler. So I reached out to her and I did, she agreed, and I had Kate on my podcast. And so now I have opted into a chapter into one of Kate's books, so that I am currently working on, right? That now, as a matter of fact, she had somebody who dropped out, so she put me in at the last minute. So I'm a little bit behind some of the others because. They had already started and I wasn't in the program, but I will be in her next book called Moments That Matter. And so that is being pushed real hard right now because I got a lot of deadlines to meet. So that, is fun. The other thing is I took on, a job position that increased my workload as far as day job is concerned, but, I felt like it was a good. Green gap move. And so my aim there is to do that. But I've also brought Oola into the workplace, so now everyone here knows we meditate every day as a team. I'm a leader of five people on my team, and so we are bringing a lot of Oola into the workplace, and the eventual aim is to get them to incorporate this into their. what a benefits package. However, we do that. We'll see how that looks. But, so a lot of that is going on and, really just huge changes. It feels great where I am and seeing the changes, with the people that are working here and how much they really needed a morale boost. And so coming in here has made just a world of difference and so that feels really good. So, That's kind of where I am. Since the last time we talked, I don't remember what else we talked about except for fun.


Well that's great and congratulations on the book. Tell us a little bit, I did see that you had Kate Butler on, tell us about the program, her Miracle Mindset.


Oh yeah. So one of the things that I love, first of all, I do all the programs. I do everything. I just like all of'em. I'm not quite finished 23 strong, but I do all the programs that come through the digital platform because I do wanna coach the digital framework. But my biggest aim and my overarching aim is to really speak and coach coaches. So I do mentor coaching as well, and, I love it. So the miracle mindset for me was huge because she takes you through daily practices that build on one another and help you to really get your mind right, get your morning rituals right. And it's so important because it changes the way you approach things and it changes your outlook. And so I love the miracle mindset and um, that was something I did when it first came out. Um, I didn't know her full story, but uh, when I got to interview her on the podcast, I got to learn more about her full story. And she is the real deal. and so when we talked and she learned some of my story is where she said, I really wanna get you in one of my book programs and I. I was at Oola, uh, the Oola Convention and met, I'm gonna get, I don't know her last name, but I met Erin who was on Kate's team. And, um, she actually did a book chapter with Erin, I mean, with, uh, Kate. And I didn't know that, and I hadn't gotten this offer from Kate before convention. So when, um, I talked to her, it was like, oh, that's so cool. It was Friday, it was the dinner night. So we all go, we did, uh, you know, we were going all day. We went, you know, till late at night. So I hadn't checked emails that day. So Saturday morning I woke up to an email from Kate going, Hey, We had somebody with health issues that had a dropout of this book, and I want your story in it. You know, are you, do you wanna, do you wanna do it? So she had emailed it to me the day before and serendipitously, I hadn't looked at it, but I met Erin who was like, Built her up and I was like, I'm putting her on my list, she's going in the app. I gotta follow up with this and figure out what I have to do. And then I opened my emails to start working on that and I had an email from Kate, so I answered the email and said, Hey, yes, I just met Erin. I want to do this. She really sung you praises, blah, blah, blah. And I got an email back within about. Six to 10 minutes. That said, I said this, you know this email this morning seeing this as a god wink and she, she emailed me back about six minutes later and said, uh, maybe it was seven, we'll call it seven minutes later. Anyway, I dunno what it was Anyway, so, and she said, I don't check my emails on Saturday, but here I am checking an email if you wanna talk about God links. And so she sent me the special like link to opt into the program. So anyway, so that was, that convention and here we are. What, a couple of weeks out, three weeks out from convention, and I have to get this book done in two weeks. I got two more weeks to get this chapter finished, so here we are.


That's amazing. Congratulations. Thank, thank you. Uh, thank you for sharing that.


But we're up to Janelle Meyer. She did our episode on, gratitude and when we interviewed her in May, she mentioned she was taking an RV with her family from North Dakota to the convention in Utah. And we told her we were gonna ask her if she survived that and how that went.


Yes, I definitely survived. It was an amazing experience. It went way better than, any of us really planned. There were, a few incidents. That my daughter called them. But, other than that, we had an awesome time. it really was just amazing to see southern Utah and to get to convention that way. And, we hit I think six national parks. so yeah, it was wonderful. Super cool way to, to see the country.


Yeah. And leaving your corporate. Job gave you the freedom


to open up your summer to do that?


Yes, absolutely. And it was something that kind of came to me, after the North Dakota summit is when, my parents came to me with me to that and, my mom's like, I really wanna go to Salt Lake City now. And, I got to tell Dave this. I thanked him at convention too that I was inspired by. The way he took his dad on a trip last year and how he shared that with us and I was like, you know what? Now's as good of time as any to do this with my parents and my daughter Brielle. And so it was just very, very cool. It's been kind of hard to, get back to, routine here now, but it's been awesome.


That's so cool. hey, and tell us more about your new Facebook group that you started the. Is it Balanced Life for




Yep. Balanced life for women. Yep. And that's just a community that I wanted to start just to open conversations there, with other people who are just ready to live a more balanced life. And it's just been a great, opportunity to share Oola in that way and, get people to open up and to share their experiences as well and just be real with people really.


That's so great. Is there anything else that you wanna share that's been going on?


No, not really. it's just been really cool just to have, the community of Oola. It was great to connect in Salt Lake City and, um, yeah, just we've had some struggles, with some family and friends and in the last couple weeks and just, you know, to have the Oola community, to reach out to. It's been awesome to just, have the support


there. Thank you for joining us. Coach Jules, I know that you are our Language of Love guest. Tell us what's going on with you. How's the love in your life? Oh,


well, my love life is amazing and the way I love is, is amazing




All the Fs. Have so much value to me and all of our accelerators fuel me. but like we talked about on the podcast, love to me is


the one that just is the,


the, the steadfast for me, with relationships and, just when, you face strife and challenges. And, you know, last year was a really, really hard year for. Me and, my family in several ways, and just having the foundation of love that we have for each other and, grounded in our faith, like that's carried us through and enables us to feel joy even in the dark, dark places. So I'm doing


good. Doing really well. Good. Did I see that you were sporting a pair of Oola sunglasses?


I have


the Oola




because I did have the honor of earning the, the leadership trip. So that's where I got the sunglasses, so I am really excited about that. I'm super humbled by it because our community is just unbelievable and I'm so inspired by so many. I actually was excited when they said my name, but then right after me, they said Erica's name, and that made me cry because I was so happy. That, that Erica, because I, I see what she's done and, and how hard she's been working. And so that moved me more. The, the names that were called after mine were what moved me more than my own name being called. So, but that's just part of what this community is about. This community brings so much love. We wanna talk about, you know, it brings so much love and it makes it easy to like, Hone in on that gratitude piece. The feeling grateful when you are surrounded by so many people who love so deeply, so hard. and this community is just a blessing, absolute blessing. And they're, you know, there's people in this community that they don't even rec, I'm gonna get weepy. they don't even recognize. What they do for you, because they're just being themselves. They're just showing up as their, um, authentic selves and encouraging you or saying the right thing at the right time. And Janelle just earlier this week, or LA last week reached out to me and said some things to me that just really poured into me and, It just this com. There's, there's nothing that compares to the Oola community and I'm just so grateful to get to be a part of it with these coaches and these people,




Dave, and we're grateful to have you and congratulations. Thank you.


we're up to coach Chris Kash. And her episode has not aired yet. It will air on the 12th, next Wednesday, July 12th. she is going to talk about integrity. So I just wanna touch on the fact that you're the Oola master coach and, ask you exactly what does that mean and what does that mean to you and how you show up for us and the coaches


and the community.


I, I'm feeling a little bit out of integrity that I'm being interviewed in a celebration of six months of interviews, and my interview hasn't even posted yet, but I'll get over it. I did the work. thank you. as we're thinking about being the master coach, I'm telling you my journey with Oola. Had me come in after some other people had been with Oola for a long time. but I came into Oola with such a huge passion of not just sharing Oola with the world, which I think we all have in intrinsically, but I wanna make coaches, better coaches. I want to help pour into coaches so that they know how, not just how to share Oola, but how to live Oola so that. So that sharing Oola is just what people see. And so on Coach's Corner, which is one of the ways that I show up every week for the coaches as a master coach, is talking about how do we use Oola in our own lives? How do we use Oola with our clients? And. Where every week I'm like, how am I ever gonna come up with another topic? either it comes from the community, from a coach, or, you know, God just drops the, the little bit of inspiration. Every week there's something exciting and good to talk about. and so as a master coach, I really feel like I just want to continue pouring in from a level of. Of how do we use and, and master Oola every single week. That's, that's the biggest pieces we're going through and talking about being the master coach, is that I want to help pour into everybody all the time on how to use Oola in their own lives and in their businesses.


Well, and


we totally appreciate that. Um, and if I can't catch it live, I love that it's on Facebook and I can watch the


replay every




the other piece that I wanna share in terms of working as a master coach is I am absolutely blessed to be working with Becca. she is amazing and, I will, and I do assist Becca. there are other coaches that assist all the time. Debbie Longoria is there all the time. going through and really supporting Becca and making sure that administratively. Coaches have some congruity and we can move through the pieces. I know it's been said before, but there've been a lot of changes on the coaching side. And for the integrity piece, one of my big words in, in all of life is transparency. And so if I can provide transparency, if I can provide as much clarity on where we're at within the administrative and the resources and all the pieces for coaching, know that that's what I


strive to do. We are definitely blessed to have both you and Becca mentoring us. it's a wonderful fit. We're very blessed. I'm gonna give Rick Schwartz a shout out here who hasn't had his episode air yet either. he is our episode on passion and honestly, you guys know Rick and there is nobody more passionate about Oola when he talks. and he does have his YouTube backup up and running. So if you catch him there, um, but you will be able to catch him. He will follow the bonus episode on July 19th.


That will be when people are not gonna wanna miss.


Yeah. Yes, definitely. So I think that's our time. Thank you so much for joining us. This was awesome. I'm thrilled that you're all doing great. I love it. Chris, do you wanna have, wanna sign us off? Absolutely. Just thank


you all. I'm honored with Coach's Corner for everyone who was following us today. Be grateful, have faith, and go get your Oola life. Bye guys.

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