Life Coaches in Cahoots

04: Dr. Troy Amdahl - Oola Lifestyle Framework, Finance and Green Gap

Melinda Oldt Season 1 Episode 4
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00:00 | 45:40

Episode 4

Date Recorded: January 06, 2023

Title: Dr. Troy Amdahl – Oola Lifestyle Framework, Finance and Green Gap

Description: One serendipitous relationship led him to start a movement, start multiple companies, write a book, and change his life forever.

Dr. Troy Amdahl (the Oola Guru) is the co-founder of Oola | The Mind and Body Company. He is a world-renowned expert in life balance and a 3-time international best-selling co-author of the book series, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World.  

The Oola Guru, together with his buddy the Oola Seeker, are on a mission to change the world with a word and reach one billion people in seven years by sharing their message, collecting dreams, and helping people find more balance and growth in the 7 key areas of life.

He is especially passionate about finance and sharing his proven Green Gap program with others. What is Green Gap, you ask? Tune in to find out!

 Get the book, join the movement, take a free assessment test, buy a program, find a coach, join the community.

 Connect with Coach Melinda here:

Connect with Dr. Troy Amdahl: Facebook: @oolalife and Instagram: @oolaguru / @oolalife

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