Life Coaches in Cahoots

03: Dr. Dave Braun – Oola | The Mind and Body Company

Melinda Oldt Season 1 Episode 3

Episode 3


Date Recorded: January 13, 2023


Title: Dr. Dave Braun – Oola | The Mind and Body Company


Description: He had Oola; he lost Oola; and now he’s getting his Oola back in the 7 key areas of his life. Learn from his mistakes, share in his wins, and listen to how he has made his comeback and is pursuing his dream to be a visionary leader, educator, entertainer, and facilitator of Oola around the world.


Dr. David Braun (the Oola Seeker) is the co-founder of Oola and co-author of the international best-selling book series, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World. He is passionate about Oola | The Mind and Body Company, especially how the programs and products offered can help you create a life of balance, growth, and purpose.


Together with his mentor and friend, the Oola Guru, the Oola Seeker is on a mission to positively impact 1 billion people in 7 years by sharing the Oola Lifestyle Framework, collecting dreams, and changing the world with a word: Oola. How are they doing that, you ask? Tune in to find out!


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Welcome to Life Coaches in Cahoots. My name is Melinda Alt and I co-host this podcast with Stephanie Islets. We are certified ULA life coaches, and together with the ULA community, we are on a mission to change the world with a word ula. Every other week we bring you an inspiring coach's story and message is our hope to encourage you to discover how you too can start living your all. If you are excited to start learning how living differently can create a life of

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Less stress, more balanced and personal growth.


This is the podcast for you.


abriefed disclaimer, nothing in the podcast is intended to replace the services of a trained therapist, doctor, or health professional or otherwise to substitute for professional mental health, medical advice, diagnosis, Or treatment.


He had ula, he lost ula, and now he's getting his ULA back in the seven key areas of his life while pursuing his dream to be a visionary leader, educator, entertainer, and facilitator of ULA around the world. Who am I talking about? Dr. David Braun, also known as the ULA Seeker. He is the co-founder of ULA and co-author of the international bestselling book series. Ula Find Balance in an Unbalanced. Together with his mentor and friend, the ULA guru, he is on a mission to positively impact 1 billion people in seven years by sharing ula. He is passionate about ula, the mind and body company, and he is going to share all about that with us today. I'm Coach Stephanie and I'm here today with my co-host Melinda, and of course the ULA seeker him.


Hi, I am Coach Melinda. Stephanie and I are on a mission to showcase some of our fabulous ULA life coaches and share their stories. But first, we are very excited to have the ULA seeker. here with us today to discuss Ula, the Mind and Body Company. We have also prepared some questions to help our listeners get to know Dr. Dave a little bit better. Welcome Dr. Dave, and thanks for joining us


today. Thank you guys so much for having me. Super excited to.


We saw that you have a new fur baby so how did


that come about? So here's the reality. if we're gonna go real personal, let's just go real personal right away. So if you guys are new to my story, I was married 17 years. I had five children. I've been divorced 12, 13 years. Something like, I met my new wife, which we got married about a year ago. A Dina. I met her about six years ago. we'd been dating like six years, got married a year ago and she had this thing of, man, I feel like I might want some babies. and she goes, if no babies may be a puppy. And I said, I'm totally cool with a puppy. So I already had five children, I have five grandchildren. and that was really, it was just kinda this little internal joke. I love dogs. I grew up around dogs my whole life. She loves, loves dogs. So, it's definitely her. It was definitely, she initiated that. But super cool. he's amazing, actually. It's been four weeks. He's sleeping pretty good at night, and all of that good stuff, but it really feels good to, like, it really rounds out our family a little bit. it's different than I've ever experienced because her and I are working with him together, talking about that as a project we're working on together. So it's actually brought us closer together in a really strange way, because it's something that we do when we talk about, so it's really cool. But yeah, it's going so far. It's going. And his name. here's just a little inside tip. His name is Blue. Okay. And, you'll hear more about that down the road song. I'm gonna say. Okay. What kind of puppy is blue? He's a German shepherd. right now he's fuzzy and cute and soon he'll be 90 pounds and his tail will not go by plants. But at this point it's amazing. he's being trained like a dean is very vigilant with her training, so it's just dialed in. He gets so many treats. Yes.


Yeah. You got him on the framework


yet, Yeah. No kidding. No kidding. So he's, he's ama they're smart. They're smart dogs. He's pretty good. It's amazing. it's like there's a human lesson in this, but if you learn something early and you create these habits, it's something that you just carry on forever. and if you learn bad things and you have bad habits, it's a lot of work to overcome that. and there's a very human lesson in that too. And I think we're always looking at our habits and saying, how can we get rid of some of these bad habits when we're gonna replace some good habits and. as the older we get, it just takes more time and patience and persistence to do that. But training I'm young is very important for sure. Definitely.


Speaking of bad habits, you wanna go back to the beginning and briefly, and I know you've shared this story thousands of times, you wanna tell our listeners the origin of the EST secret name?


Yeah, no, I mean, I'm honored to, and I'll tell the story till the day I die cuz it helps people. So I'm totally good with it. but I learned about ula, which is about balancing your life in seven key areas from Dr. Troy, who's a really good friend of mine. he was my boss at the time and he talked to me about it's really great to be successful in money or business or whatever, but it's important to be successful in all seven. So he taught me about really focusing and being successful and balancing these seven key areas. And I did that for, you know, most of my twenties. and then somewhere in my early thirties, lost track of that. Troy moved overseas. We lost touch with each other, and I just, I, I felt I was successful. I was 28, 29. I was successful. Making money, beautiful house, wife, kids, everything was good and I really lost track of really working on my ula. And I drifted from the ULA principles of balancing your life in these seven key areas, and I found myself in 2007 89 with the economy crashing. I found myself losing everything. Living in a motel, in a bad side of town, going through a divorce, having health issues. Just everything was collapsing in my thirties. And when I called Dr. Troy at that time, he was fully retired, married to his high school sweetheart, living in one of his four homes around the world. running Ironman, donating to charities into his church. And, and I was living in a motel and driving my mom to beat a old car. And he just said, get back to Ula. Like first he was like, what the heck happened? And then he said, get back to ULA and work on these princip. and I really sat down with this notebook and I said, okay, where am I in these seven key areas? And it was all bad. Where do I want to go in these seven key areas? And then how am I gonna get there? And when I got to this topic of field, which is career, what you dedicate your life to, I said, I wanna open more clinics and start working with patients again. And I literally ripped that out of the notebook. and I rethought about what would I really, truly listening to my heart and on my head, what would I want to do? And it was all along the lines of Sherry Nula and being a visionary leader, educator, entertainer, facilitator, ULA around the world. And that's been my mission for my life. since 2008, I wrote that down. And when we actually sat down in 2012 to write the first ULA book, I was working on getting my ula. We were writing a book about two buddies on a journey. One who continued to balance his life and one who had balance but lost everything, made mistakes, and then worked on getting his balance back. And the name just came up that he was at Ula Guru cuz he kept balance going his whole life. and I was the ULA seeker cuz I had lost it and I was seeking it back. And I think most of us are ULA seekers and I think Troy can even relate to an ULA seeker. And I think we're all ULA gurus at some stuff. You know, sometimes we have these moments where, man, it's just balanced and life's pretty good like in this moment. And then there's months or weeks that we feel like seekers again. but the ultimate thing is really just to keep working towards finding that balance in these seven key areas and having a lot of meaning and purpose to your life. So that's where I got that. Well, we are


definitely glad that you made that your mission because if you hadn't made it your mission, then we would not be here. And so many people have been so impacted positively by ula. so you talked about Troy and the Ula guru. Tell us a little bit how you convinced him to come out of retirement



why. Yeah, so. The book came out. He was fully retired. He was gonna stay in retirement, and he did stay in retirement for quite a while. after the book came out. The reality is it just really got fun and I think he was seeking something too. When we look at balancing these seven key areas, it wasn't like I was convincing him as much, but when we look at balancing these seven key areas, fitness, your health, finances, family field, which is your career, what you dedicate your life, Faith, friends and fun. I think he felt like he was missing something in his life and he saw the book starting to impact lives. He saw the book starting to take off and then he just started to help more. And I think he was never, like, there wasn't an official day where he said, I'm coming in. I think he just found himself working a full-time job. And, I mean, we couldn't do ULA without him at all. I mean, he's such a big key component to this. so I'm so grateful for. But yeah, it wasn't a convincing thing. It was more just, it started to go, he started to see stories and see the impact that Hulu was having on others, and he just wanted to be part of it and then help accelerate it faster. That's awesome.


The ULA movement starts with two guys a book and then a VW bus tour. how do you go from all of that to having bigger things happen now where you have the ula, the Mind and body company backing you up? Can you tell us a little bit about what that


means for. That's such a great question and it's really how I think everybody should look at their business or everybody should look at really a life. I think you have a plan, and I think you also have to have a plan to pivot your plan at times, but staying true to the big vision, you know, so if I look at my personal mission in life, In the category of field is to be a visionary, leader, educator, entertainer, facilitator of ULA around the world. But what does that mean? What does ULA mean? And I think that's shifted a lot over the years. but we had the book, the book turned into people saying, Hey, you guys go to Vegas at the first week of December every year. and you guys meet as a group of four guys, we want to come hang out with you. And we thought it was gonna be like 10, 20 people, but more people started saying they want to be there. And that led to the first school of Alza. And that was like we just made it up like, we're gonna go to Alza, come to Vegas. We rented, the, the nightclub there called the vinyl. we're gonna be there for two days and we're gonna work on our goals. And that was so impactful. all we did on the stage was we got two fake palm trees, which looked hideous. And we got two surfboards that had ULA on there cuz we wanted the stage to be cool. That's all we could afford. And we put up these surf. and on the way down the elevator on the second day, Troy said, Hey, we're having everybody write their goals on these stickers. There were skateboard stickers. We're having people write these goals. Why don't we have'em come up on stage at the end and they can put the sticker on the surfboard? Oh, that's a great idea. I love this idea. And literally people started coming up on stage and we thought it was gonna be like, I wanna lose 10 pounds. I wanna pay off a credit card. And it was heavy and deep. I mean, people were like, I wanna be a better father. I wanna be a better mother. I gotta get outta this toxic abuse of marriage. I gotta get over my past abuse. I gotta work through my anxiety and depression. I think I cried for an hour on stage, just tears rolling down my cheeks, listening to people's dreams and goals as they're putting'em on this surf. And then Troy and I went home and I don't think we talked for days after that. I think we were just so emotionally drained. And he called and he said, you know, we had people putting their stickers on a surfboard were so powerful. But what if instead of people coming to Ulu Puzo to do that, what if we go take the surfboards to people? And I'm like, I love it. How do we do that? And he goes, let's put it on a VW bus and drive it across the country. And that turned into, instead of just putting stickers on a surfboard, putting it on the bus, and now the bus has over 30 layer. I don't even know, 150, 160,000 dreams and stickers on that bus from 48 states and people collected'em from all over the world. The bus has been to all the lower 48 states and, it's just turned into an incredible movement. as we've gotten deeper and deeper into ULA and we've talked to people about, we reconnect them with that goal and that dream of maybe it's losing the weight or maybe it's better relationships or having more energy to, you know, go to the gym, whatever that is really. it comes down to people having higher levels of mind and body wellness to be able to achieve this. And that's why we shifted. We're still programs and products to help people live life, a balanced growth and purpose, which is o ula. But now we say we're the mind and body company cuz we want to be the best in the world at providing, programs and products to help people strengthen their mind and body so that they can go achieve their goals and their dreams. So it's just pivoting along the way to make it the best company. and I, really truly feel, we talk about this a lot. I feel like it's right there, right now. where we, we probably have made it to the point where we're solid on who we are, and now we just gotta make the experiences for all of our consumers, users, members, fans better, like better for the coaching network, better for the ambassador network, better for our programs, better for our products. So we just keep pushing the boundaries of making better things for people. to give them a better chances of seeking in life. So that's the whole driving force behind what I do now. So


One of your programs, 23 strong. I know there's like personal moment behind that for you. Do you wanna tell us about.


I'll tell you that the most important part of that program is what no one knows, and that is inside this program, there's hidden things that no one's unlocked yet cuz they're not deep enough into the program. So there's phases to this program and as you're going through, I think the farthest summer could be in the program cuz it just launched. the end of last year was, I think phase. is the farthest, and there's secrets embedded in this program that I'm really excited for people to finally get to and see and unlock different things. I think it was the most meaningful program, because it's tied to a story of my nephew. His name is Jared, Jacob. His number was 23 in football. he passed away from cancer at 18, but in his struggle with cancer over two years, he taught us how to be grateful and have faith, which is a big theme in. and a big theme in this program, which is done by the Iron Cowboy, who's just amazing, and I, I just feel like Jared's looking down and going like, holy cow, like the Iron Cowboy is kind of like tying my story in with his story. And if you don't know who he is, just look him up on Instagram. iron Cowboy's just an incredible guy. and so that program means a lot to me. I love Miracle Mindset. People are loving Miracle Mindset. Green Gap is near and dear to my heart cuz it's the way, we've all become debt free that have used it. bodyguard design is helping people lose weight. We have three more programs we're working on right now. No one even knows about that are coming out in the next three months, four months. So there's a lot of good things that are there already. But there's a lot of great things coming as well because the coaches


are super excited. We're all trying'em out and then talking to each other about'em. But I just finished the Miracle Mindset and the Body by Design, both of which I'm gonna repeat. I liked them that


much. What was your favorite?


I'm gonna say body by design, it's great. I'm.


Yeah. That's great. That's awesome. Yeah.


I'm loving 23 strong till I saw today that your challenge was to walk outside for 30 minutes and mine was to do 200 jumping jacks.


I had 200 jumping jacks the other day. Oh, okay. So I, so there's, there's hundreds of challenges. these action steps and the computer logic just grabs'em randomly. So it depends if you're like more in level one, level two level. So it just grabs'em randomly and gives'em to you. But, I had on my plan, I have a very, very solid plan written out of what I'm doing every single day from my meals to my morning routine, to my cold plunge, to everything. And I had, hot yoga that day. and I just did a hundred jumping jacks before high yoga, and then I did high yoga, then I did a hundred jumping jacks after high yoga. So I finished it that way. But yeah, some days you wake up and it's easy, and then some days you wake up and you're like, man, I gotta go run three miles today. And I already have a leg workout planned and stretching exercises. that's the point. The point is to really make it hard, and, and strengthen your mindset through that process. Can you


tell us about the cold plunge? I've seen it on social media and I heard you say it helped your inflammation, which would be huge for me to know if that's really true and working for you. I just was wondering how did you even come up with


that? So I've cold plunged forever. this is something, I've done this for seven to 10 years. periodically I've done hot yoga periodically, like I'll do two to three months of hot yoga almost every January, February, March. Starting in about March, I would hike up in the mountains three days a week and go sit in the mountain, stream for, you know, one to three minutes. and just the research and the science on that is incredible about cold plunging, getting your body co your temperature down from a standpoint of anti-inflammatory, from a standpoint of longevity, from a standpoint of endorphins and how you feel. and this is the first time ever I've committed to 30 days in a row. of coal plunging, and I'm on day 13 today. I, I committed to one and a half minutes every day, and I'm up at three, three and a half minutes right now. And it's, just good for me right now. So probably not for everybody. It's the most dreadful three minutes of my day. I think about it all day, and I don't want to do it, but as soon as I get out, it's the most beautiful part of my day because everything else is easy after. but when I walk out there and that tub is frozen and I'm using a hammer to knock it out and get the ice going, and I put in a meditative song that's three minutes long and I hit play and I sit in and I just start working on my breath work and breathing and really focusing. And, uh, when that song is over, I can get out or stay a little longer. And it's been probably my favorite thing I've ever done is the consistency of it, because I used to have to hike to it and now I just walk in my backyard and sit in it. It's. It's been amazing. It's not easy, but it's amazing. And it's free pretty much. I mean, it's cold water, so cold water in the tub, so


it's easy to hear that you are super passionate about fitness, health, and wellness. So would you say that that's like your top L f


is fitness? That is the best question ever because we had a long discussion about that yesterday around a dinner table with, part of the team. So we had part of our team here, chief Sales Officer Max flew in from Portland and we were talking about that. And in ULA it's like the beautiful thing of ULA is that the most important thing is whatever you think the most important thing is. So it's not us telling you that this is the most important thing. For some people, it's gonna absolutely be their faith clock or their family or their health. I feel like fitness is such an important part because without your health and when I worked with patients in a past life, you know, I would see a hundred patients a day coming through my clinic. When you lose your health or when you have pain or it really affects everything. But I've also seen that financially is when you are stressed or going through a bankruptcy, it affects everything as much. But I'm very passionate about health just because I'm passionate about my own health. I'm passionate about my longevity. I'm really passionate about that cause we don't know how much time we have, but when it comes to the most important thing that's really individual to what you think the most important thing is. That's a good


answer. so on the flip side of that, what's an F that causes you the most stress


or overwhelmed? um, finances by far. And it doesn't matter how much money I have or don't have. I don't like numbers at all. I don't like doing it. I don't like any part of it, so I don't like budgeting, but I do it every month. I don't like paying bills, but I do it. I don't like any of it by far. I care the least about it. and I have to work the hardest on getting myself. It's, it's right next to a cold plunge or so, I'm not sure which. I hate more I'm the same,


I'm not a numbers person either. Yeah.


I, I'm a company controller, so I can't I enjoy


it. we're complete opposites here.


We're, so, 2022 was a big year for you. Would you share with us what three of the biggest highlights in the last 365 days


for you? you know what I, I'm gonna share something else with you. in line with that, I started doing this and I've never really said this much in ula. I might have mentioned it on, uh, Instagram Live or Facebook Live, maybe from stage. And it, was really ironic that this came up this year, is that I started writing down my top 10 things that I experienced in that year as part of my little Ola poos experience at the end of the year in. I would go into my phone and write down the top 10 things that happened to me in the year, and this year marks 10 years that I've done that. So I have a decade of data right on my phone. in my notes right here, it's called my ULA 10 right there. And I mean, it's amazing to look back at the last decade of my life, and read through. so I can go into 2022 and. Like top three would be hard. we moved into our home. We built a home. We started building a home. About a year and a half ago, we moved into our home, which was really good. ULA was acquired, by a billion dollar company, which was huge for us because it really allows us to expand our mission. we had this mission of really impacting a million lives. That was always our thing forever. And then we just did that with book sales alone and, you know, social media stuff or whatever. So then we're like, how do we impact a billion lives in seven years? And we knew like strategy that someday we're gonna have to align with someone. that can massively inject not only money, but passion and purpose behind our mission. So that was a huge thing for Ola, huge thing for Ola and we're not even seeing, I mean, those seeds are just starting to come out of the ground over the last like three or four months. And the stuff that you guys are all gonna see as coaches or whoever's listening, you know what? Whatever you're part of this, you're gonna see this stuff in the next six months to a year. That's already being built now, but not coming out. So that was a big one for. Um, and then, I did a road trip through Italy, with Aina and my sister called and she was like, what are you guys doing for Thanksgiving? And we don't have the kids. And I'm like, we're gonna go to Spain. I found some cheap tickets to fly into Spain. We're gonna road trip Spain. And she's like, do you mind if we go with m? Like, no, not at all. But they've never been to Europe and I know how much she likes history. And there's great history in Spain too. I love Spain. I've road trip Spain before, and I said, Let's switch to Italy. So they flew into Rome and I road trip them all over. I love driving through foreign countries. It's one of my biggest passions. So that would be, that, those would be probably the top three. hiking the Grand Canyon. you know, finishing that for Jared was a big one. That was 28 miles with Travis, our c e o, and Aina and, his wife and a couple people. So that was good. But those are my top three to.


That's amazing. My son just moved out to Tucson, so we did the Grand Canyon this past year too. So how about in the phone? Do you actually put some challenges from your past year? Do you track any


of that? I don't, I, uh, maybe should, but I'm good with just the highlights right now. I've had enough challenges from 2000, like five to 2000 and, 12. But yeah, when the book came out 10 years ago, I actually started that list and it's been crazy. I mean, it's been a fun run for sure. That's


exciting. We've been following both Stepping I since 2015 and our years get better and better every year. And. The great part thanks to ula. So


yeah, if you have Ula like just on your brain, like you guys are working in it, you're Coachin, ula. But when you're just thinking along the lines of ula, I just think your life gets better just from that alone, because you're always thinking of. Family relationships and balancing and taking care of your money, even though you hate it and, and knowing that you have to do it and working on your faith walk, whatever that is. And I just think when I look at my goals as well, like from let's say 2012, I probably hit six or seven goals. Now I'm pretty consistent with about 18, 19, 20 goals outta my 21 every year. And they're big goals now. They're like, you know, big things. So it's fun.


Interesting to hear you say about the faith walk because back your, this is yours back with you. You told everybody what your prayer at night was and I was really, really stuck and I was like, I'm just gonna say Dr. Gabe's prayer every night And that's what I did. That's




It's way, beyond that. I went and got baptized with my brother and my daughter and everything, but um, yeah, that was a starting


piece of it for me. Yeah. Good for you. That's amazing. That's amazing.


So you would talk about how when you have ULA of the brain and you live ula and you talk about it all the time. how about blockers and accelerators? Can you share a little bit about how you. Encounter those and lean on'em to help with your goals?


Yeah, that's a great question too. And I think the biggest thing with blockers, if you're looking at like fear, guilt, self-sabotage, anger, laziness, you're really looking at self-awareness and just being aware and being present. So if we go way back before Ulu was a book, Troy taught me a thing called Present Time Consciousness, and I shortened it to P T C. Not a lot of people know this story. and I wrote it on sticky notes and I put it on every patient door. they would go in a different door, so they never saw the sticker, but I would tap that sticker before I went in. So I'd be very present with that patient because they're there to heal and get better, and the doctor needs to be present. And I feel like when it comes to blockers and accelerators, blockers more, you just need to be very, very self-aware. When you're feeling a certain block or when you're feeling anger, when you're feeling fear, when you're feeling not worth it, self sabotage not good enough. You feel the ego come in. I think that's that first step. And we, what we call ready, set, go is that self-awareness. And I think as you practice with that, that gets better over time where you just start to really reflexively know that I'm self-aware of that man. I'm feeling like a little jealousy or envy right now, or I'm feeling a little. um, self-worth issues right now, or whatever that is. we all have these blockers that flow through us, and I think sometimes they get stuck and they become a major blocker for people. So the biggest thing I have learned around blockers is the self-awareness of them. And then when it looks at accelerators, I think that's more of like a deep analysis, where on your quiet time you can look at the seven accelerators. Gratitude, love, passion, wisdom, integrity, humility, and say, where do I need to tap into those more? Like if I look at my week, should I have been more loving? Should I have been more in gratitude? Should I have been, more in humility when I was talking to that person? So you do that like self-reflection. So that's really how I use them now. And then I've dedicated the year, we always pick an accelerated the year, and I've dedicated this. last year was discipline. This year is love. And it's just, it's loving myself. It's loving my wife, it's loving my kids. It's loving Ula, it's loving the coaches. And that's just really pouring love onto people because I just think the world needs more of that now, as we're all kind of healing from, the pandemic and, just some of the tensions that there was. So, I feel like it's definitely my word, so I just reflect on it a lot. how can I approach a conversation with more love? How can I approach this podcast with more love, and really, truly from my heartbeat, present and care about people. So that's the direction, that's how I use'em. So blockers, very, very self-aware in the moment. And then for accelerators, it's more of like a reflection of just self-awareness of the week or the day of how I could be more one way or the. I love that.


That was a great explanation. So when we do your 21 goals and we narrow are down to seven, and we come up with our ULA one, we wanna know what your ULA one is for this upcoming year. Now you don't have to tell us the personal one. You could just tell us the ULA ULA one if you want to.


So I have more than 21. I couldn't narrow it down to 21 this year. So I left them in my app. I think there's like 35, because I just have a lot of stuff we're doing this year in ULA and my personal life. So I do have my seven. and I do have my ULA one. my ULA one is, it's a really strange. and I'm gonna look at it right now and it's in finance, and that makes no sense but there's a piece of me that knows that if I don't make that important, I'm not gonna follow through because you know what you're saying, Steph? You just, I don't care about it that much. I don't think about it. So I last second, move that to the ula. and I'm gonna make that a priority that I actually, give that more attention and more care. And I tied it into really loving myself and my family and loving ula and just really making sure that everything's taken care of around that. But let me see here. I'll tell you I have, one finance goal, two fitness goals, one family goal, three faith goals in my top seven is what I have right now. So it's a big family faith career kind of year for me for.


That's awesome. How about, could you share with us a little bit about, like a few action steps that would really start moving you along in that?


So, what I did this year, that I've never done before is I spent time on, the 30th, I think it was what's happened to me a lot is I get pulled in a ton of directions with, travel. and a lot of business travel. And when I look back at why I've missed gold sometimes in the category of like health or fitness, it's because I'm a very social person. So if you bring me to your city, we're going to the best breweries and restaurants and let's have fun. Let's find organic this, and let's go get, fun. I love food, I love entertaining, I love hanging out. So I'd find myself on these journeys of health and fitness, and I eat perfect, like I eat perfect. when I'm home, when I'm not home, then it's like food trucks and like whatever's, whatever's like local, right? I love that. That's part of learning a city and a culture. So what I did is I actually built my whole month. and I built it week by week. Exactly what I'm gonna do, from a standpoint of I have a morning routine that involves a 15 minute stretch, two minute breathing, five minute meditation, three minute cold plunge, That's a morning routine. And then I have every workout built for the month when I'm running two, three miles. When I'm doing legs, when I'm doing arms, when I'm doing yoga, everything's built. And so I'm really following that and taking that and looking at that, and then putting it in my app the night before. and that's how I'm really getting structured. And I've really seen just in, you know, we're 13 days into this year that I've had really significant improvements in a lot of areas of my health and business in 13 days, but this is the most structured I've ever been by far. Normally I sit down at night, look at my goals, write down three reaction steps. Now I actually plan off the whole. and I planned out when people are coming to town, I planned out the meals I'm gonna make when they come to town. Last night our chief sales officer was in, or the night before, I made Cheeto, Pino, which is a very healthy, seafood dish. and I had a Dina make her sourdough bread, which is a healthy sourdough bread. So I really tried to be structured versus just like, oh, come to town, let's go hang out and let's go hit a bunch of restaurants or whatever. So for me, I'm really leaning this year on my daily action steps and really getting specific on how I'm gonna roll those out every single day. Yeah. And I think like


the more years you're just in it, you get more real with yourself and you get more disciplined. And I found that too, like it's so much different now in 2023 versus when I was doing this in 2015. And so I'm wondering, could you share with our listeners who are now hearing all of this, where would a good place be for them to start if they wanted to pursue


Lula? I think the biggest thing is just be altercation in your journey. Because I think you can start with just the book, right? It could be that simple. That's how most people start. but what everybody now has available to them is just so many more tools. Like if you go back 10 years ago, 2015, let's say your only option was the. that was it. Maybe come to Clusa. Well now we have coaches in all 50 states, in 20 some countries we have, ambassadors that are sharing all over. We have a digital lifestyle framework people can tap into. So I think the biggest thing is just really what level of change do you want and what level of accountability and training are you gonna need? And whatever you decide that is, you are worth that because this is your life and I. I turned 50 last year, and I think that did something really strange for me because I'm on the downside, if I got a hundred years, I'm, you know, crossing over and it's like, man, living a balanced life, creating memories, loving on family, creating moments with people you love is, priceless. So if you need a book to do that or you need a coach to do that, or you need a system to do that, there's no amount of. on the planet that can give you those beautiful moments in life. I was asked a really interesting question. I'm going sideways, but I was asked a really interesting question. would you rather be, Warren Buffett 87 years old with a billion dollars, or would you rather be a broke 23 year old? and I was asked that, and then I turned around and asked it to a bunch of people. No one picked Warren Buffet at 87 years old and a hundred billion dollars, no one did, or a billion dollars, whatever he has. because time and the precious moments that we have is so valuable. And so that, was a real interesting thing to think about. And so that really brings it down to, that for me is just really, really pouring into what I love to. Cool. We


can definitely see how passionate you are about that., what I have seen is how passionate you are about the coaching itself. can you tell us a little bit about how important the community of Coaches


are to you? Yeah, so I love the coaching, more than I really can't express it, how much I care about the coaches and the coaching network. Um, and It's simply because I know that we have, let's say, a million books floating around out there around the world. half a million people won't even read it. They'll buy it and they'll put it on a shelf of the half a million people that pick it up, they read it chapter, yeah. I have books all over my bookshelf that I haven't read. of the half a million people that'll read it, read a chapter two and forget about it, you know, but it really narrows down to really getting impact. I think if someone is working with a. They're gonna change their. Period. I think it's gonna be one to one. If you have one person with with a coach, you're gonna change that. Life is gonna change. With the books, it's really just throwing it out there. And again, it's like a small percentage. Read it, a small percentage, apply it, a small percentage get changed from it. And even though it's great and it's a great way to get it around the world quick. It's really now bringing it into having people be your accountability partners, be your guide in helping you through a system that is proven to help you live a life of more balanced growth and purpose. And that's why I love the coaching network and the direction that's going. We love it


too. so we know this is your calling in life is to share ula. This is what you put down in that notebook and still have that notebook. And I wanna get a little bit serious because you jumped on a call the other night, a coach's training call and you talked about it again. And can you share a little bit about Lollapalooza and that 63.8%.


I can't even process it. Steph, I'd like to be honest with you. it's really like 63.8%. Just for everyone listening is aza. We handed out a private survey, and we read it from stage. It is a long story, but just shorten up. There's a survey private, we read the results from stage and when it came to struggling with daily anxiety and depression in that room, three levels of people. 63.8% of the people said they struggle with anxiety and depress. It's hard. It's the hardest thing I've ever, it's so weird, like I hear bad stories. I read about wars and, and whatever. I don't know why this 68, 3 0.3%, I literally go to bed thinking about it. I wake up thinking about it and it's just hard on me because I feel like life is so precious. We're here for such a short amount of time. that if 63.8% of the people that I love and care about that arula pools is 63% of the people in the world, or maybe higher percentage in the world of people who don't even know there's an option are struggling with anxiety and depression. We have to do work. We have work to do because I really truly believe that. A system of balance, growth, and purpose programs, products, whatever that is for that person can really help to start to alleviate that, help people feel more self-worth, and just work through that. But, I haven't grasped it yet. like I think you go through stages of grieving, like denial. I just can't even believe that that's real. And now I'm trying to get through the point of like anger and acceptance on like, we gotta fix this. It's just not okay. Like, it's just not okay, period. It's not okay. And I would not want that for anyone I love, I don't want that for humanity. And I just feel like as coaches, we have a big. To step up and help people one-on-one to really feel better about themselves and get help and whatever means they need to feel less anxious and less depressed. We need to work on that. but it's shifted me a lot from where I'm really grateful for the direction of those going cause I think it'll reach more people that way. But it's really shifted the importance to me. Like I cannot not think about that. So, yeah, it's a hard one for me.


So that number is a difficult one. And one of the things I thought this year I joined you guys at the RISE Festival, that was one place that I've ever felt the most energy and families that came together and were positive. So if ULA keeps doing events like that, which I never actually found out, is the RISE Festival going to continue with an ULA or.


we're not even sure because we have, other events we're planning on our own as well. So, that's stuff that'll all roll out in the next couple months. working with a team at Rise was incredible. there's some really great things that happened from that event, for sure. But, yeah, what a great team of people. What a great event. but yeah, we're working on some of that stuff on our own as.


It definitely was incredible. let's lighten the mood a little bit. Yeah. We know that you spent a significant time with Dr. Troy on the bus and that you've gotten to know him quite well. So we wanna mix it up a little bit and have some fun. So we're gonna ask you a set of questions and we've asked Dr. Troy these same questions. Okay? So your only answer is gonna be you, Dr. Dave, the ULA seeker. or Dr. Troy, the ULA


guru. Oh, this is fun.


All right. All right, so the first question, who is


the better cook? Oh me Not even close. Who


is the most likely to deal with a spider by catching it and


releasing it? That would be me. Who would


win a game of Monopoly?


Troy, who


is more


competi? Ooh, I don't know. We are very competitive people. I think that's gonna, what did he say? Do you remember? I have to listen to it and find out. I have to listen. I don't know. I really don't know. We're both pretty competitive. Yeah, he said he is gonna have


to listen to hear your answers. Yeah. Okay. So if you can't answer that one, who is more passionate about ula?


Man. that's hard too, cuz we're passionate about different things in ula. I can't answer those. I'm sorry. I really don't know. I love it. An


easy one for you. Who is the tiniest?


I'm pretty tidy, but I would say, Troy, I'm gonna go with Troy on this, but I'm actually, a pretty clean guy too. I clean up pretty well. I take care of things. But I would say Troy's more particular about, oh yeah, his stuff and his space for.


Yeah. Um,


who talks more? Me?


Who is more likely to be late?


Me. Who has more patience? Huh? I don't know that one either. I think I have quite a bit of patience. What did he say on that one? Don't remember. Have to listen.


But I think you're right, You think he, he actually thinks you do.


But we both, I think we both have quite a bit of patience though too. Like neither one of us are really overly impatient, so I think we're both pretty patient. So


who is more likely to take fitness to the next


level? Me for sure. Yeah, he's very fit. But I do weird things.


Ice plunges. Yeah. who


is more of a d i y guy? Me, by far. Who is more impulsive? Me by far. who is a


bigger daydreamer.


Me by far, Okay.


Who has grown more in the seven Fs of ULA over the last year?


Well, that's not fair. I started at the bottom So not just this past year, not, not the Oh, the past year. Yeah. I think we both have it's fun cuz we're on a very similar journey now. Like I'm still the seeker for sure. but we've had different things that we've worked through. Yeah, I think we both have really grown. I think the word in 2022 was the maturity of Lula. Like we felt like Lula was this kicking, screaming baby, two guys on a bus collecting dreams and now there's more maturity to it. So I think we've both grown in that space for sure. Well,


that's a fair answer. Well, that wraps up those questions. and this was so fun and we have one last question. What advice would you give to our listeners who just haven't found their


purpose? you know, to me that's an actual easy question. and it goes two ways. One, you are already living your purpose. So everybody that's looking for their purpose, you're living it right now. Whether it's you're taking care of your kids or you're working, but if you want a greater purpose for your life, you have to take risks, explore, work on that system of ula, like look at balancing, trying new things, but If you're listening to this, which you are, and you have a pulse, you are living your purpose, right? But there could be a greater calling. So before ula, I felt like I was living my purpose with what I was doing With ula, I feel like I'm living a greater purpose. And you know what? What else is for me to become? Now I have this purpose as a husband. Now I have this purpose as a grandfather. So you have multiple layers of this thing called a purpose, but everybody right now is living your exact purpose. but how do you make that purpose better? How do you expand on it? How do you grow that? And that's really, by really getting into this. I love Lula, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna get into the system of Lula, but then you have to take risks and chances. You have to go do things. I would say travel to me, is a big part of my purpose on this planet, and taking people two places and experiencing it with them. Is something that when I'm dying someday I will look back at and say, those are very special moments, and I'm good at that. Like, I never knew that, but I'm really good at you. Just throw me in a country and gimme a car. I'm good at getting around, meeting people, finding locals, getting food, getting shelter, whatever. And taking people and giving them a great tour. I was so afraid on my first trip, I can't even tell you. I didn't want to go. I wanted to cancel. I wanted to speaking on stages. The first time I spoke on stage 26 people wasn't even a stage. It was a classroom. I wanted to die, and now it's a huge part of my purpose. but I can't even tell you how many times I almost backed out. I picked up a phone to call, say I couldn't do it. I, I'm sick, like every excuse in the book, and now it's like you throw me on a stage we're speaking to 12,000 people in a foreign country in two months. And I I can't even wait to be on that stage and like, eight years ago, vomiting in a bathroom, thinking about speaking to 20 people. So the only way you truly deepen your purpose is by really pushing through those fears and those blockers and really starting to embrace that stuff that scares you a little bit. I saw


that you did a social post that asked what is the most important thing in life? Do you have any answer for that?


No, I don't. And it's funny because, I posted that because we were having a conversation about that. and, uh, you know, I wanted to see what people thought. And I really do believe the most important thing in life is truly what you think the most important thing in life is. And, I don't have an answer for that. I want to say like this life on this planet is love, kindness, pouring into others, creating memories, creating those moments. really, taking care of yourself. Your own health is very, very, I. but yeah, I posted that not saying I know an answer, I posted that going, I wanna know what other people think and I'll just kind of read some of the feedback today. And it was very interesting. It was all over the place and that's what I thought I would see and that's what I was happy to see is cuz we're all unique and different and what's important to us should be different and shouldn't be the same. Right. I


agree with that. this was so fun and we can't thank you enough for joining us today.


I'm not ready to go. this is fun.


before we part ways, we wanted to let you know our listeners that Dr. Troy, the Ula guru, will be on our next episode and he will be sharing more about the ULA lifestyle framework. Green gap and ULA finance, all of his favorite things. And we wanted to remind you that you are designed for greatness and purpose, Stressless, and feel better and enjoy life a little more. And thanks again for being with us. Dr. Dave,


thank you so much. My pleasure. Thank you so much for what you guys are doing. Sure. It's our pleasure and a big thank you to our listeners to goodbye everyone.

We hope you enjoyed this episode and that it inspires you to go get your ULA life a life of less stress, more balance, and greater purpose. For more information, be sure to check out the notes from today's episode. And if you appreciate our show, please leave us a com and let us know. We would really love to connect with you. You can also subscribe to our podcast, share it with a Friend and on your social media. Until next time, be grateful. Have faith and go get your ULA life

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